Tag Archives: superhero

Such Is The Value Of Music

I planned to write a blog today with fun details of our moving offices but when I woke up to an alert on my phone reminding me today was tax day everything else went out the window while I got that taken care of. Then I had an important project to get done for my […]

That Sense Of Wonder

I answered the knock at our front door and he came barreling right in yelling “Grandma, Grandma – I’m Spiderman!!!”  There he was, my two year old grandson with a Spiderman mask on his face and a Disney Cars backpack on his back.   He ran in the door all wide-eyed and full of excitement pretending […]

The Countdown to WONDER WOMAN has begun! Why You Too Should Be Excited About That.

Look I am not even going to try and hide my excitement here – and anyone that knows me well won’t be surprised when I say that I am SO EXCITED for the Wonder Woman movie premier! So excited, in fact, that me and my friend Jacki (who I became immediate BFF’s with when we […]

How Wonder Woman Helped Me Make Millions

I still remember watching the Wonder Woman series on television as a little girl. The series began when I was just four years old and the series ran until I was eight years old. I remember each week how excited I would be to watch the next episode. She was the most amazing superhero I […]

You are never too old to put on a costume for Halloween!

I am a HUGE fan of Halloween. First off, we all get free candy and who doesn’t love candy?! And second, we all get to put on a costume for a day and pretend to be something or someone else – it’s an escape from our everyday routine lives when we can get creative and […]

I’m Not Saying I’m Wonder Woman…Or Am I?

“I’m not saying I’m Wonder Woman, I’m just saying that I’m a princess with indestructible bracelets and an invisible plane.” Anyone who knows me knows that I have a serious love of all things Wonder Woman. My love for Wonder Woman started when I was a young entrepreneur just starting out in business. I was only […]

Be A Force For Good

“We can all be a force for good if we have the desire.” – Gail Miller Tonight I attended the Giant in Our City Awards dinner where the award was giving to an amazing woman, Gail Miller. Gail is someone who has spent her life doing good things for others. She has truly made a […]


“There is a superhero inside all of us. We just need the courage to put on a cape.” Today I saw a documentary at Sundance that showed the story of normal man who had the courage to put on his cape and become a superhero to many children who were being abused and taken advantage […]

Channel Your Inner SuperHero – Expand Your Self-Concept

Our self-concept is made up of two things.  The picture of ourselves performing today, and the picture of our ideal self – the person we want to become.   The beautiful thing about our self-concept is that we can choose to replace the current picture of ourselves with the picture of who we want to be […]