Tag Archives: take a chance

The Price We Pay For Love

“When you love people very much, isn’t it grand to be able to join in their happiness? Like everything else in the world, however, there is a price to pay for love, for the more happiness we derive from the existence and companionship of other human beings, the more vulnerable we are when there is […]

Looking Back, What Are You Going To Remember Doing?

Thus far, 2018 has been completely insane with activity.  I started off my year jumping feet first into planning my daughter’s wedding reception for the small group of 1,200 people being invited to her May event.  Along with those months of planning I gave several keynote presentations at conferences, was a judge for several business […]

What are you going to regret more?

Sometimes we have to stop and ask ourselves: Which will we regret more? Doing it, and having it not work out in the end? Or not doing it, and wondering if it could have? And which feeling seems like it would be worse regarding the decision your trying to make – Looking back and thinking […]

It’s not distance that keeps people apart; it’s a lack of communication

Communicating in relationships (whether at work, at home, or with friends) isn’t easy…in fact it takes a lot more effort to communicate with the other person then it does to avoid communicating, because communicating takes WO-ORK!  Yet what may have appeared easier (avoiding communicating) in the moment, will prove to have made your life far […]