Tag Archives: texting

Making Your Day Proactive Rather Than Reactive

I grew up with a father who would start every day with a 3×5 index card in his shirt pocket that held a list of everything he planned to get done that day, and throughout his day he would cross off each item from that 3×5 card as he completed it.  My Dad was absolutely […]

Forced Family Bonding

Last week my family and I went down to spend a glorious week at Lake Powell with a group of friends.  We had a great trip, and although we all came home with colds…yet again…the trip was worth it.  We had gone down to Powell a few days before our guests arrived because we wanted […]

Isn’t it Amazing that We Made It

Tonight I came home after working an incredibly long day with the subcontractors at our home and collapsed into a chair.  My daughter came home and I told her that the rest of the night was all time just for her and I to spend together.  We sat together on the couch and started having a […]

The Joy of Summer Vacays!

For those who do not have teenagers at home, the word Vacay means Vacation (according to my teen daughter anyway).  I am still trying to learn the revised English language used by teens today  – Deets means details, Deec means decent, Cray-cray means crazy, Tots means totally, and vacay means vacation.  Spending last week at […]