Tag Archives: the grass is always greener

Make The Effort

“The grass is always greener” …it’s a syndrome that plagues a lot of people. They constantly believe something else would be better than what they currently have.  Most commonly we hear of people catching that syndrome in their dating or marriage relationships, but the truth is it can exist in any area of life, from […]

Be Too Busy Working On Your Own Grass To Notice If Theirs Is Greener

We’ve all heard the saying “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence” and more than likely we’ve all been guilty of falling into that mindset at one point or another. It’s easy to tell ourselves other people’s situations are better than our own, especially since we see a very limited […]

Just Think Of The Things You Are Glad That You’re Not

When my luck seems all gone, and I’m down in the mouth, When I’m stuck in the north and I want to go south; When the world seems a blank and there’s no one to love, And it seems even God’s not in heaven above. I’ve a cure for my grouch and it works like […]