Tag Archives: thin

Combatting Your Day After Sugar Rush

“That awkward moment when you’re wondering who at all the candy, and you realize…you did.” Trick-or-treating and the loads of candy we all gathered may have seemed like a great idea in the moment..and it tastes amazing when we eat it!…But once we’ve downed handfuls of that sugary goodness it begins flowing through our digestive […]

Next Time You Think of Beautiful Things, Don’t Forget To Count Yourself In

Tonight I am taking my daughter and her friends to a One Direction concert (Don’t judge me 🙂  ).  A year ago when their concert tour was announced, she literally begged me to take her and her friends to the concert.  She made the typical promises of “it’s the last gift you ever have to […]

“First we make our habits, then our habits make us.”

“First we make our habits, then our habits make us.” – Charles Noble.  How true it is! And so often we talk about trying to change our bad habits, but rarely do we talk about starting good habits. I have learned that focusing on the positive is much more effective for me than focusing on […]

“If People Are Trying to Bring You Down…”

“If people are trying to bring you down it only means that you are above them.”  I spent time tonight talking to a close friend who has a teenager daughter who is being horribly bullied in school.  Her daughter, like many teenage girls, suffers from low self-esteem.  She thinks her body isn’t thin enough, she […]