Tag Archives: why

You’re only asking “Why?” because you don’t know the amazing things that lay ahead for you

“Your journey has molded you for the greater good. It was exactly what it needed to be. Don`t think you’ve lost time. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time.” – Asha Tyson I have never believed in coincidence.  Maybe I have […]

The Dumbest Thing Ever – Tales of a Paper Hoarder

In yesterday’s blog I talked about the need to do some spring cleaning to help us de-clutter, organize, and clean-up. And I can honestly say that I have been living by my own words and working like crazy to get through the piles of clutter and bring order back to the chaos. As I went […]

Eventually all the pieces fall into place

“Eventually all the pieces fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason….”   -unknown For anyone who is currently going through a time of uncertainty, or working hard to make something happen, or trying to figure things out…so pretty much all of us…this […]

5 Ways To Get A Promotion (Forbes Article)

Job security is something everyone longs for, and typically we moving up in the organization as a sign that our jobs are indeed secure. Increased wealth and opportunity are also things we long for, and a promotion at work can help to achieve that. But receiving a promotion doesn’t always come easy, so here are […]

When You Need Answers

When we have a problem we naturally seek for answers as to why?, or what we should do?, or where we should go?, and so forth.  Everyone seeks out answers in different ways, depending on their own personal belief system.  For me I seek the majority of my answers through prayer.  And as a businesswoman […]