Tag Archives: worry

When we don’t know what lies ahead

At different points in our lives, especially during times of trial, we might find ourselves feeling anxiety over the uncertainty of what lies in store for us in our future years. I have faced that myself at times, especially when one phase of life has come to an end and another one begins, such as […]

It’s all about relationships

A dear friend of mine received an award this last week and I was able to be there to congratulate him at the event. I knew I was going to have to slip out early and that I might miss his acceptance speech so I asked him to quickly share it with me before we went […]

Things happen around us, but it’s what happens within us that matters most

My daughter-in-law came across a story I hadn’t heard before. When I first saw the title of the story I almost didn’t read it because I couldn’t imagine how a story with that title would be interesting, but I am really glad I decided to keep reading because the message it conveys is just plain […]

HOORAY FOR HOLIDAYS! Happy Memorial Day to All!

So let’s just say it – HOLIDAYS ARE AWESOME! Right?!  I mean what could be better than getting a day off from life when everyone else is taking a day off too! I LOVE HOLIDAYS!  And I love that we had the entire day today to be with the people we love. This Memorial Day […]

Successful Mothers (and Happy Mother’s Day!)

“Successful Mothers are not the ones that have never struggled, they are the ones that never give up, despite the struggles.” This weekend we will be celebrating Mother’s Day. It’s a time we all take a moment to think about all the things our Mothers do for us in life. It’s also a time when […]

May the Fourth Be With You!

My son told me today that if my blog wasn’t titled “May the Fourth Be With You!” tonight that he would be straight up offended! Now let me be honest with you…I had NO idea what he was talking about until my husband explained that May 4th is Star Wars Day.  Who knew that Star […]

Big Decisions and Avoiding the “What If” Bus

We are all familiar with the quote “Decisions determine destiny” and I genuinely believe that is the case. That is why it can be especially hard to make big decisions that come up in our lives. Anytime I have a big decision to make in life I think to myself “It would be so much […]

“I love tax season” Said NO ONE EVER!

“Have you ever noticed that when you put together THE and IRS it spells THEIRS?”….ironic eh? There are very few weeks I dread more than the week before tax returns are due. Trying to pull together all your information from the prior year to figure out all your income and deductions when you can barely […]

You Can Choose To Be A Proactive Person Rather Than A Reactive Person

There are two types of people in this world…and it’s not those who like Neil Diamond and those who don’t (love that quote from What About Bob movie!)…it’s proactive and reactive people and which type of person you choose to be will significantly impact the life you will have. Let’s look at the difference between […]

Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck

Given that this Thursday is St. Patrick’s Day I figure this is the perfect week to talk about luck. We have all heard of the four leaf clover. It`s also sometimes referred to as a shamrock. They are said to bring good luck to anyone who can find one of them. According to legend, each […]

Motherhood Is Not A Liability To A Woman’s Ability In Business, So Don’t Act Apologetic As If It Is (Forbes Article)

When I started my first technology company in my early 20’s it never even crossed my mind that I was a bit of an anomaly being a female CEO in a male dominated tech industry. Frankly, the first time I really even became aware of how few women executives there were in the tech industry […]

Delicious Ambiguity

Certainty…it’s something we all long for because we want that feeling of security, but the fact is that none of us can ever really get it because life is, and always will be, full of uncertainty. That’s why the key to being at ease in life is to learn to embrace uncertainty. So how do […]

Rediscover the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in

As we age we grow wiser from life experience, which is a good thing. But sometimes as we grow older we also become a little bit jaded…almost too realistic…we often lose that sense of wonder and excitement we had as a child, and that is a not such a good thing… Now that I am […]

Life Is Life A Roller Coaster.

“Life is like a roller coaster. It has its ups and downs. But it’s your choice to scream or enjoy the ride.” That quote is great because it makes it so easy to visualize what it is saying. Yes life is indeed like being on a roller coaster. We can’t control the ups and downs […]

They CAN DO Hard Things IF you will let them

I was watching something the other day where s a mother to a teenage boy was busy doing her son’s laundry while her son was busy playing on his Xbox. The more I observed the situation the more I wanted to scream out “If your child is capable of conquering level 15 of their video […]

Slow Down, Rest Up, Replenish and Refill

“Fatigue is the common enemy of us all – so slow down, rest up, replenish and refill.” – Jeffrey R. Holland I needed to hear that advice today. One thing in life that I struggle with tremendously is ever taking time to slow down and rest up. I am genuinely horrible at it. I feel […]

A Child Who Treats Their Parents With Respect Is An Employee Any Boss Would Be Thrilled To Hire (Forbes Article)

As a child I was taught the importance of respect – we were taught showing respect for other people, showing respect for other’s cultures, showing respect for people’s position of authority, showing respect for a venue, showing respect for an event, etc. This principle was emphasized greatly in my home and it is something I […]

Focus on what you can control

Focus on what you can control, not what you can’t. We only have so much energy to expend each day and every second we waste focusing on things we have absolutely no control over we are wasting that energy and our time. Instead we need to put our entire attention toward focusing on the things […]

Trading the Terrible Two’s for the Terrifying Twenties…

How could I have been so naïve? Here I have been thinking that the older our children get, the easier it is to parent them… FALSE! Sure when they were babies they kept you up all night and barfed on every nice outfit you owned, and then as toddlers they threw themselves on the ground […]

Become What Inspires You

“Become what inspires you.” What a GREAT quote! I guess I have never thought of it like that before so when I saw that quote I had to share it. We have to start by asking ourselves “What inspires us?” I asked myself that question and then I sat down and started typing up a […]

Promise Yourself

Promise Yourself To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is something in them To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. To think only the […]

Don’t Be So Focused On The Steps That You Forget To Dance!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE to dance. Anyone who spends five minutes with my family pretty much knows that my husband and I and our two kids are constantly dancing around to music as we drive, as we clean the house, as we throw impromptu dance parties pretty much any place, anytime. I still remember coming […]

There is Something Inside You that is Greater than Any Obstacle

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”  – Christian Larson I cannot tell you how much I love that quote. It is especially helpful at times when you are facing a current obstacle in your life because those are the times […]

The Trick Is To Enjoy Life

“The trick is to enjoy life. Don’t wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead.”  – Marjorie Hinckley Enjoy life – what great instruction! And one that most of need to be reminded to do. Worrying about things we cannot change and waiting for things that may never happen….stupid right!?! I have decided that […]

Life is short, Live it well

Today we got word that a friend of ours, who we love and admire greatly, has been diagnosed with stage four lung cancer which has spread throughout her body. It came as such a shock to hear the news about her because we ran into her and her husband just a few weeks ago and […]

An optimist’s way of viewing one step forward and one step back

“Optimist: Someone who figures that taking a step backward after taking a step forward is not a disaster, it’s more like a cha-cha.” That may just be one of my favorite quotes I have heard in a while. Maybe because it incorporates being optimistic and dancing, and everyone who knows me knows how much my […]

Go To Bed and Get A Good Night’s Sleep, Tomorrow Will Be Better

Today was a long, busy, stressful day, and it was a Monday which always feels a little more stressful than the rest of the days of the week for some reason…perhaps that’s because we put everything out of our minds in order to enjoy our weekends and then Monday morning we are forced to deal […]

What Will We Wish We Had Done?

On our deathbed when we look back at our life, what will we wish we had done? It’s a questions we have all probably heard being posed before but when is the last time you actually stopped and tried to think about what your own answer would be. Will we wish we had worked more […]

If At First You Don’t Succeed…

“If at first you don’t succeed, do it like your mother told you.” We all remember the famous mom advice we got as kids:  Wear a coat, brush your teeth, look both ways before you cross the street, put on sunscreen, don’t take candy from strangers…..  We would roll our eyes and grumble under our […]

Everyone Has To Start Somewhere

Even the most successful people in this world had to start somewhere. Often times I hear people express that they just don’t know where to start. My answer to that is simple – Just Start Somewhere. The truth is that it doesn’t really matter WHERE you start…what matters is that you DO START. People can […]