Tag Archives: yesterday

Be Confident

“Be Confident. Too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we aren’t. Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is only when you accept everything you are – and aren’t – that you will truly succeed.” The number one killer of confidence is when you start comparing […]

Your future can be better than you’ve ever imagined. Welcome to the year of – you fill in the blank

We just turned the corner and started a New Year. 2017. This will be the year of ______________. What is the blank?  Well that’s something each of us has to fill in for ourselves. It’s a personal choice. What do we want the year of 2017 to be?  Do you want this to be the […]

The fruits of today are the seeds of yesterday

“The fruits of today are always the seeds of yesterday. Each day of your life you are sowing seeds that one-day you must harvest.” –U.S. Anderson The choices we are making today and the actions we are taking are all helping dictate what our lives will be in the future. My little brother wrote a […]

The Trick Is To Enjoy Life

“The trick is to enjoy life. Don’t wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead.”  – Marjorie Hinckley Enjoy life – what great instruction! And one that most of need to be reminded to do. Worrying about things we cannot change and waiting for things that may never happen….stupid right!?! I have decided that […]

Perhaps Its Time To Put The Glass Down

Every now and then you come across the perfect article or story at the perfect time in your life. That happened for me today. I don’t actually know who wrote this story or where it came from, but it had such an impact on me that I just had to share it with all of you. […]