Tag Archives: young adult

Trading the Terrible Two’s for the Terrifying Twenties…

How could I have been so naïve? Here I have been thinking that the older our children get, the easier it is to parent them… FALSE! Sure when they were babies they kept you up all night and barfed on every nice outfit you owned, and then as toddlers they threw themselves on the ground […]

Those Words A Parent Never Expected to Hear

As those of you who follow my blog know, my son Dalton recently got engaged to his sweetheart and we are now in full blown wedding preparation mode. Because they want a short engagement it is like wedding planning central at our house with invitation selections, picking colors for the reception, figuring out venues, booking […]


When faced with an intimidating situation, ask yourself, What Would Wonder Woman Do?  Or WWWWD for short 🙂 Tonight I hosted the Utah Wonder Women event at my home.  It is a group of high powered business women throughout the State that gather together to network and discuss business.  The group was put together by […]