Tag Archives: young at heart

The Fear Of Childishness and The Desire To Be Very Grown Up

Having been sucked into an endless hole all day of gathering receipts so my accountant can get my tax return prepared in time for the upcoming tax deadline, I asked my son Dalton if he’d write tonight’s blog post for me. Here’s Dalton’s post: “When I became a man I put away childish things, including […]

We Never Really Grow Up, We Just Learn How To Act In Public

“We never really grow up, we just learn how to act in public.” The other day my adult daughter commented she’s noticed that me being a grandmother has really brought out the little kid in me.  She said it’s been fun for her to watch me getting down on the floor and playing with my […]

You are never too old to DANCE

Over the weekend I was involved in putting on a big event for a Board I serve on. One night of the event we held a big dinner with a talent show and then after the talent show we had a dance party. The group involved spans a big age range of couples from in […]

“We don`t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing”

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”  -George Bernard Shaw There has to be truth to that.   I really believe that if we can find a way to stay young at heart that it will affect our physical age.  I can’t prove its true, but I do […]