“The worst part about growing up is seeing your parents growing old.” – unknown
My husband’s parents live up in Idaho and as soon as the cold weather comes each year they love to take a road trip to go somewhere down south its nice and warm. On their way down south they always stop and spend a day or two with us and then when they drive back North home to Idaho they stop for another day or two and spend it with us. We never know exactly when they will be coming…we usually get a call letting us know that they will be here in a few days or sometimes we get a call and find out they will be here in just a few hours or even a few minutes… I remember when my husband and I were very first married and we got the first “we’ll me there in a few minutes” call from his parents… I was in an absolute panic…my house was a mess…what would they think?!?
Well, after eleven years of last minute visits I can tell you what they think…they don’t care a lick! They just want to see their son and I and they want to see their grandkids and great-grandbaby. They want to come and hang out and play games and watch a few movies and just have a good old time visiting with us. That’s it. That’s what they care about.
The lesson here is that those who love you don’t care if the house is perfect…they care about you. And they want to enjoy the time they get to spend with you. So put down the broom. Forget about the decorative pillows not being fluffed. And just have some FUN together!
Our parents are growing old. The time we get with them is precious. Don’t waste a moment of it!
~Amy Rees Anderson (you can purchase a copy of my new book here: “What AWESOME Looks Like: How To Excel In Business & Life“)