Today was the baby blessing of my grandson Flynn Dalton Anderson. When I saw him in his little white outfit I was amazed at how much he looked exactly like his father, my son Dalton. I remember my son Dalton’s blessing day as if it was just yesterday. I remember getting him into his cute white baby suit and taking him to church to be blessed. I remember the joy I felt that day as I looked into the face of this precious little baby boy who had come into my life and who would change my heart forever. And I watched as that little baby boy, now a fully grown man, held his own little baby boy in his arm as he blessed him. It was a surreal moment for me…the only way to describe my feelings today is to say that the circle of life has become so much more meaningful to me now that I am a Grandma (…or as I prefer to say – a Glam-ma). I appreciate things so much more than I ever have. I treasure quiet moments far more than I did before. I recognize the value of every second I get to spend with my grandson because I know from raising my own two children just how quickly he will grow up. I am positive that I will never regret a single moment I dedicated to holding my grandson or rocking him to sleep, even if it means I wasn’t able to get other things done. And heaven on earth is holding your grandbaby with his little head resting between your neck and shoulder, smelling that baby lotion smell and hearing him breathing…there is simply nothing in the world quite like that feeling.
Here are a few fun pictures from today (if you are reading this blog from your cell phone you will need to turn the phone sideways to view the pictures) – note that this first photo is my Grandbaby Flynn taken at his baby blessing today and the baby photo being held up on the iphone is a picture of my son Dalton taken at his baby blessing 24 years ago. Talk about like father like son 🙂

My Grandbaby Flynn and the photo on the iphone is my son Dalton taken at his baby blessing

Baby Flynn with his mama, my daughter-in-law, Alexis

My son Dalton and his wife Alexis and their baby, my Grandbaby, Flynn

Some of my family that was able to come for the blessing

Some of my husband Rollin’s family that was able to come for the blessing
Have a wonderful day everyone! And don’t forget to treasure every moment.
~Amy Rees Anderson
1 Comment
Mind your moments because they become your memories. Beautiful family, Amy. Time does pass quickly. Even my grandchildren are grown up now. You’re right. Treasure the moments.