When #SuperSickMonday Turns Into Actually Sick Tuesday

Fun fact: The day after the Super Bowl is apparently dubbed ‘Super Sick Monday’ because of the incredibly high number of people that call into work sick because they want to stay home and recover from their late-night Super Bowl celebrations. We aren’t just talking a few people, in fact a survey performed by Kronos and Mucinex showed that 14 million people planned to call in sick yesterday. The survey showed that the number one excuse people planned to give was a fever, followed by a sore throat, and then a headache.

I knew nothing about #supersickmonday until I saw the Mucinex 30 second commercial during the Super Bowl that called out people for faking sick. Having known nothing about this phenomenon I literally laughed out loud when I saw the commercial – I thought it was some pretty clever marketing on Mucinex part. Here’s a copy of their ad if you missed it:

That ad was pretty darn hilarious until I ACTUALLY DID get super sick on Monday night with all three symptoms people were planning to fake! I had a fever, sore throat, and a headache, which unfortunately got worse into Tuesday to the point I am now curled up on my couch feeling miserable. So yeah, Super Sick Monday turned into Actually Sick Tuesday and now the whole thing is just no longer funny at all…

Let’s be honest, sick days are only fun if you aren’t really all that sick – you know, what I mean?? It’s fine when you are just a teensy bit sick where you can actually enjoy lying in your bed, binge watching your favorite shows and eating potato chips …that’s just a beautiful thing… But sick days where you are genuinely super sick and you actually NEED the Mucinex – well those days just aren’t any fun at all…

Here’s wishing all of you good health this week, or at the very worst just a teensy bit of sickness so you can actually have a sick day that’s enjoyable. 🙂

~Amy Rees Anderson

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