80 years
29,219 days
701,265 hours
42,076,800 minutes
10 amazing children
37 beautiful grandchildren
11 sweet great-grandchildren
Today my father, Gerald Rees, turned 80 years old. 80 years old! WOW! That is really, really old 😉
The best way I can think of to honor my Dad today is to share a little about what makes him so amazing:
For 80 years my Father has lived an exemplary life. My Dad doesn’t just talk the talk, he walks the walk and the positive impact that has on the life of a child is indescribable. I’ve watched my Father be totally dedicated to living his life with integrity – at all times, in all places, and under all circumstances. He stands for what he believes in. He treats everyone with respect, without exception. He is the best listener in the world. He works tirelessly. He never drops the ball. He is the most trustworthy person I have ever known – his word is his bond – without exception. He is my hero.
My Father has given me some incredible advice over the years, but the most powerful advice he has given me has been in the example he has set for me. His integrity, his work ethic, his “get it done attitude” have helped shaped me into the person that I am today. I am so grateful I get to call him Dad. I am so blessed to be his daughter. And I thank him for a life well lived, and I pray that Heavenly Father will allow him to stay with us as my earthly Father for many more years to come.
Happy Birthday Dad! I LOVE YOU!

Amy Rees Anderson and her Father Gerald Rees
~Amy Rees Anderson