Monthly Archives: September 2014


When faced with an intimidating situation, ask yourself, What Would Wonder Woman Do?  Or WWWWD for short 🙂 Tonight I hosted the Utah Wonder Women event at my home.  It is a group of high powered business women throughout the State that gather together to network and discuss business.  The group was put together by […]

No Pressure, No Diamonds

No Pressure, No Diamonds…and let’s just be frank…life without Diamonds would be Un-Imaginable!  Just typing the words “no diamonds” makes me break into a cold sweat….it’s like typing the words “no happiness”…(tee hee)… Yes I admit, I love diamonds. And I don’t just kind of love them…I am head over heels in love with them!  […]

“Love your Parents. We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old.”

Life the past few months has been a reminder that I am growing older, especially facing an empty nest.  However, in all my focus to deal with seeing my own children grow older I have honestly lost sight of the fact that my own parents are also growing old… My parents stopped by the other […]

Give An Irrevocable Gift To The Next Generation

“Education is our greatest opportunity to give an irrevocable gift to the next generation.” – Ernie Fletcher Teaching our children is our most important we work we do in life.  When my children were young I was focused on teaching them good values and morals. Then as they grew older I focused on teaching them […]

5 Ways To Get A Promotion (Forbes Article)

Job security is something everyone longs for, and typically we moving up in the organization as a sign that our jobs are indeed secure. Increased wealth and opportunity are also things we long for, and a promotion at work can help to achieve that. But receiving a promotion doesn’t always come easy, so here are […]

Try New Things!

“Never be afraid to try something new, because life gets boring when you stay within the limits of what you already know.” Many of us are creatures of habit. We get into routines where we do the same things day after day and we get settled into our pattern of living our lives.  We can […]

Welcome to the First Day of Fall

Autumnal equinox hit today, September 22nd at 10:29 PM EDT, making this officially the first day of fall.  From here on out the temperatures begin to drop and the days start getting shorter than the nights.  Autumn is officially upon us! I have to admit that there are many things I absolutely love about the […]

You Can’t Start the Next Chapter of your Life if You Keep Re-Reading the Last One

Moving Forward. That is a concept I have been taught since I was young.  Whenever I went to my father or my Grandfather for advice in life they would always tell me, “Just keep moving forward.” It was the solution to almost every problem I would take to them, and over time I began to […]

Throwback Thursday – Forgive and Let Go

For some reason this week I thought it would be fun to go back in time to this very day two years ago to see what was on my mind back then when I wrote my blog that day.   When I finished reading my post from that day it hit me how important the […]

Four Things You Cannot Recover

I once heard a story called the Parable of the Cookie.  It’s a simple story with a surprising twist that teaches an incredibly valuable lesson. See for yourself: The Parable of the Cookie A young woman was waiting to catch a flight in the boarding area of the airport. Given that her wait was going […]

Next Time You Think of Beautiful Things, Don’t Forget To Count Yourself In

Tonight I am taking my daughter and her friends to a One Direction concert (Don’t judge me 🙂  ).  A year ago when their concert tour was announced, she literally begged me to take her and her friends to the concert.  She made the typical promises of “it’s the last gift you ever have to […]

You Can’t Be Sad When You Are Holding a Cupcake

I am thoroughly convinced that you can’t be sad when you are holding a cupcake or a bowl of ice cream.  It is impossible to do.  And that is why I highly suggest that anyone having a hard day go out and get either a cupcake or a bowl of ice cream and then you […]

Growing Old is Inevitable, Growing Up is Optional

Today was (is) my birthday.  Yep, I am growing older, which is inevitable for all of us. But, I have decided that growing up….well that is optional 🙂  … For my birthday my kids and their friends are spending the weekend with my husband and I and nothing is better for making you feel younger […]

Recognize It, Control It, and Let It Go

“Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” – Buddha As I thought today about the past events that took place on September 11th I couldn’t help but think about the amount of anger and hatred those people had that committed such horrible acts so many years ago today. […]

Just Remember Life Goes On

“You have to take the good with the bad, smile when you’re sad, love what you’ve got and remember what you had. Always forgive but never forget, learn from your mistakes but never regret, people change, things go wrong, just remember life goes on…” Tonight as I was FaceTiming with each of my kids I […]

Together We Can Make Miracles Happen

Tonight we hosted an event at our home for approximately 60 women from our neighborhood. This event is held once a year and it’s called our “Favorite Things” night.  Each woman brings a favorite thing to share, then we sit in a large circle and go around the room and have each woman share with […]

You Hate Your Job But You’re Scared To Quit  (Forbes Article)

You wake every morning miserable because you can’t stand the thought of going to the office to do a job you hate.  You moan and groan so much about the job you hate that not only are you miserable, but everyone around you is as well.  You get through each day of misery only to […]

All It Takes Is A Thought

Do our thoughts really have an influence on what we are able to accomplish in our life?  The answer is simple – YES! If the thought in our head is that we can possibly do something then the chances are we will attempt it, and the attempt means that there is that possibility that we […]

Don’t just hit it, knock it out of the park!

Once you agree to accept any assignment you need to force yourself to be all in.  Don’t ever take something on only to do it half-way. Life will be full of people who give you assignments that you might not get very excited about.  In fact, many of them you might even dread.  But once […]

Time Management and the Parable of the Rocks

Getting back into work after being gone for the summer has made for a hectic week so far. As I started to go through all of the meeting requests and emails and calls I missed the last few months in order to prioritize them, the memory of a parable I once heard came to my mind. […]

“I’m Grateful For All The Things My Parents Didn’t Do For Me”

Tonight I received a phone call from one of my dearest friends who is out of the country right now traveling.  He said he was thinking about me and my husband today because he realized I was probably saddened with my kids leaving off to college and he just wanted me to know he was […]

“Just go right along and you’ll start happening to”

Welcome back!  I hope all of you had an amazing Labor Day Holiday!  So mine was awesome, mainly because my two children came home from college for the weekend to spend it with me and that was pure heaven!  Oh my goodness how I value every second I get with them now.  Saying goodbye to […]