Tag Archives: candy corn

Want To Know What’s Scary?

Want to know what’s scary? For me, it’s the thought of having the doorbell ring over and over again all night on Halloween and having to get up and done and up and down to answer it over and over to give out candy to kids that often seem way too old to still be […]

Only 90 Days Left In 2018! LET’S DO THIS!

WHAT??!! Only 90 days are left in this year?? How is that even possible?! It’s October 1st people – that’s how!  I can hardly believe it’s October already. But the good news is it’s October! And October starts off all the fall and winter holidays! First comes Halloween…then Thanksgiving…and then Christmas…Oh how I love all […]

Combatting Your Day After Sugar Rush

“That awkward moment when you’re wondering who at all the candy, and you realize…you did.” Trick-or-treating and the loads of candy we all gathered may have seemed like a great idea in the moment..and it tastes amazing when we eat it!…But once we’ve downed handfuls of that sugary goodness it begins flowing through our digestive […]

Bust Out Those Hoodies and Pass The Candy Corn!

I cannot believe it is the middle of October already! Holy cats people, it’s time to bust out those hoodies and pass the candy corn because Fall is officially in season and Halloween is only a few weeks away!  That means we get to carve pumpkins for the front porch, we get to bust out […]

Get Candy, Get Candy, Get Candy

Okay so I have to start today’s blog by taking a moment to recognize my favorite candy, Candy Corn, because for those of you who failed to remember, today was National Candy Corn Day!  How cool is it that my favorite candy has its very own holiday to recognize it!  Yes I love me some […]

Welcome to the First Day of Fall

Autumnal equinox hit today, September 22nd at 10:29 PM EDT, making this officially the first day of fall.  From here on out the temperatures begin to drop and the days start getting shorter than the nights.  Autumn is officially upon us! I have to admit that there are many things I absolutely love about the […]