Tag Archives: holidays

Back In The Saddle With The Saddle Sores To Prove It

Let’s face it, no one really looks forward to getting back in the saddle when they know it is going to be painful to do so. And having been off work for so long I knew exactly how painful it was going to be to get myself back in the saddle by going back to […]

The Most Stressful, I Mean Wonderful Week of the Year

I realize we refer to this month as “the most wonderful time of the year” and I don’t disagree with that, but let’s have a little #realtalk for a second…the week before Christmas is straight up the most stressful week of the year! Let’s start with the fact that every time you go to an […]

A gift to be treasured

As I shared in yesterday’s post, I was honored to be inducted in the Utah Technology Council (UTC) Hall of Fame last Friday. As part of that the UTC hired a company called Avalanche Studios to go and interview a few of the important people from my life as well as interviewing me and to […]

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like….

I would love to say it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas outside, but as I walked out of the Little America Hotel after giving a speech at a big Women in Business Conference today the temperature was in the mid 70s and that made it look like anything but Christmas here in Utah! […]

Get Ready For Father’s Day – a public service reminder

Sunday it will be Father’s Day and so as a public service I thought it would be good for me to remind everyone who has a Father themselves, as well as any Wives who have a Husband of children to GET ON TOP OF IT PEOPLE!! Don’t forget to prepare something to honor those Fathers!!! […]

Fight Off the Winter Blues

First remember to keep calm, it’s only a four day work week and you are one down, three to go! I think a four day work week is great – except all that stuff we all pushed off last week with the excuse that we would do it after the long weekend turned up TODAY…so […]

Happy New Year to You and Happy Anniversary to Me!

Today is my last blog for this week since I don’t post on Holidays, so I wanted to take this opportunity to say Happy New Year to all of you!!! I hope you have an amazing New Year’s Eve celebration and I hope all of you have loads of fun and stay safe!  Most of […]

Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action

I can’t believe that Thanksgiving is only a week away!  Time has flown this season!  As I laid in bed super sick again today (grrrr…..) it hit me that I hadn’t even taken one moment to think about Thanksgiving yet. I have been so wrapped up in my son’s recent wedding that the holidays had […]

51 Days Til Christmas!

Holiday season has officially begun!!! Which also means tis the season for awesome online sales!!! That’s what I’m talkin’ about baby 🙂 I love, love, love the holiday season and I love the month of November because it’s the official kickoff to the season – it is time to bust out the apple cider, the […]

One Season Ends, Another Begins

I cannot believe that summer is coming to an end and fall is beginning. Our summer vacations have come to an end, most everyone’s kids are back to school at this point, and we all have to get back into our normal routines again. In some ways it’s sad to have summer playtime behind us […]

December is the “Friday” of the Months

Seriously, don’t you just LOVE December! It really is like the Friday of the months…the month you look forward to all year and you relish it, wishing it wouldn’t have to end. It just seems like we spend more time with family and friends just being HAPPY during December, and it is so nice!  December […]

Welcome to the First Day of Fall

Autumnal equinox hit today, September 22nd at 10:29 PM EDT, making this officially the first day of fall.  From here on out the temperatures begin to drop and the days start getting shorter than the nights.  Autumn is officially upon us! I have to admit that there are many things I absolutely love about the […]

Making a House a Home

We did it!  We actually spent our very first night in our new house.  We are still surrounded by boxes and papers to unpack and put away, and there is still a punch list of “to be finished or fixed items”, but we have officially begun living in our new house. So I have to […]

Embrace Sentiment

Packrat, hoarder, collector….we have all heard the terms.  Some of us even relate to the terms.  Maybe not to the extent that we see on the TV show Hoarders, but somewhere between that and a packrat.  My son is someone who I have teased for years as being somewhat of a packrat.  He saves every […]

A Time To Close Your Book of Grievances

Christmas season casts a truly amazing spell on the world. People’s walls come down, their hearts are softened, they notice the needs of strangers, they have the desire to care for their fellow man, and hurts anger seems to get let go and be replaced with the Christmas spirit of love. It truly has an […]

Always Remember That Life Goes On

I came across a poem that has a great message and wanted to share it with all of you: What a great poem to read, especially at Christmas time?  It reminds us that life is short so why waste a moment of it being unhappy?  No matter what goes wrong, life is going to go […]


Okay, let’s just call it as it is – HOLIDAY WEEKENDS ARE THE BEST!!!  Seriously, it is amazing how having that one extra day on your weekend can make such a difference!   I have the perfect quote for everyone to consider this holiday weekend: LOVE IT!  And it is so true.  I honestly think we […]