Tag Archives: temperature

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like….

I would love to say it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas outside, but as I walked out of the Little America Hotel after giving a speech at a big Women in Business Conference today the temperature was in the mid 70s and that made it look like anything but Christmas here in Utah! […]

Sick Days…

I do NOT like being sick! I make the worst sick person EVER!  I am not good at holding still and I am not good at staying in bed….I can’t stand having a day go by when I cannot be productive!  For me, feeling unproductive hurts almost worse than the aches and pains of being […]

Oh, My Hotness!

It is officially TOO HOT OUTSIDE!  I am usually a fan of the warm weather, but my goodness it is hot!  I walk out of my house and I am instantly covered in sweat, and I don’t ever sweat!  In fact, it is so hot that my sweat is now sweating!  It is hot as […]