Monthly Archives: November 2014

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

Welcome back everyone! I hope all of you had a fantastic Thanksgiving Holiday! I definitely loved the time with my family. The food was amazing, although I ate so much I am quite certain I won’t be able to fit into my clothes tomorrow…sadly…one thing I don’t love about the holidays is the aftermath that […]

Happy Thanksgiving To All, And May Your Pants Still Fit You Come Monday :)

Yes that time has come again – Thanksgiving weekend is upon us!  I am SO EXCITED for the holiday time to spend with my family! My kids came home from college late last night for the rest of the week so I am super happy right now. There is nothing better in life then time […]

Stop and Thank the People Who Make A Difference in our Lives

On this week that we celebrate Thanksgiving, I cannot think of a better way to honor this holiday than to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives. When I stop and really think about all the people who have made a difference in my life I am overwhelmed with how […]

Opportunity Is About To Knock So Get Ready To Open Your Door (Forbes Article)

It has been said that the key to success is being ready to act when opportunity comes knocking at your door. Well hopefully you are ready, because opportunity is about to start knocking with a billion dollar vengeance! This particular opportunity starts with one word – Genealogy. Now before you tune out, you should know […]

“Online shopping gives me a reason to live for another 3 to 5 business days”

I thought it only fitting with Thanksgiving coming up next weekend to take a moment to talk about something near and dear to many of our hearts…shopping 🙂 !!! Today my sister-in-law texted me the title of today’s blog, “Online shopping gives me a reason to live for another 3 to 5 business days,” and […]

When Something Breaks Your Heart

“That moment when you can actually feel the pain in your chest from seeing or hearing something that breaks your heart.” Those moments are the worst…they just are.  Seeing or hearing something that breaks your heart is such a hard thing to go through. It’s a feeling you wouldn’t wish on anyone. Most of the […]

“Choose to be a Hero”

Today, former republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney came to speak to 15,000 students down at Brigham Young University (BYU). I wasn’t able to make it down for the talk but both of my kids did and they came home this evening to go to a Utah Jazz basketball game with my husband and I and […]

Nothing Good Can Happen Until You Let It

My message today is a short one, but an important one.  If you wake up every morning feeling stuck in a life that isn’t happy you have one of two choices – you can either change your circumstances or change your attitude!  Because sitting around miserable all the time should not be allowed to exist […]

Do You Think You Could You Do A Better Job Than Your Manager? (Forbes Article)

According to an international poll recently conducted by, an overwhelming majority of people believe that they could do a better job than their manager. When asked the question, “In your current or most recent job, do you think you could do a better job than your manager?” over 4,800 responded, and 84% of them […]

This is One To Add To Your Goal Posters!

This week I was able to snap a picture of something that I am absolutely going to add to my newest goal poster.  If you don’t know about my goal poster than you seriously need to search my blog posts for “goal poster” and read about it.  The Goal Poster is MAGIC! And everything I […]

Forgiving Doesn’t Require Forgetting

We have all heard the term “Forgive and Forget”, and some people have heard that phrase so much that they begin to think that the two must work together.  They mistakenly think that “Forgiving” someone requires you to “Forget” what the other person did to you  – That is simply incorrect – Forgiving someone does […]

Life is Good when you keep things in Perspective

When life gets difficult or troublesome the best thing we can do is to step back and put things into proper perspective.  You can’t get hyper-focused on what is going wrong in the moment or it will feel like your entire world is crashing down whenever something difficult happens.  I like to think of it […]

Life’s Milestones

Milestones are something we all have in common with one another.  There are several milestones that are the exact same for all of us, like birthdays.  Then there are milestones that are the same for the majority of us, such as:  graduating from high school, falling in love for the first time, getting our heart […]

Warning – This Might Make You Cry!

No doubt that the contents of this post may in fact lead you to cry.  It certainly made me cry!  I was watching the news a few days ago when I heard them announce that Garth Brooks was going to be performing on the show that morning. I was so excited when I heard that […]

Has Anyone Told You Yet Today That You Are Amazing!

Has anyone told you yet today just how absolutely, positively, incredibly, amazing you are?  If not then let me be the first one!  You are amazing!  Absolutely, positively, incredibly, amazing! Doesn’t it feel good to know that someone else thinks you’re amazing? It’s an awesome feeling, right? “In life, you will realize there is a […]

Schedule Life Experiences So “Stuff” Doesn’t Steal All Your Time

I’m busy, your busy, we are all busy.  It’s just that simple. Life is BUSY!  And if we are not careful we will find that our time is no longer our own, rather it gets taken over by this meeting or that meeting and those emails and these people to call.  Even if you don’t […]

The Brick Walls Are There For A Reason and other great words of advice

“The brick walls are there for a reason. They’re not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.”  ~ Randy Pausch If you don’t know who Randy Pausch is, let me tell you a little about him. Randy was a professor […]

Facing those “I don’t want to do” things that need to get done

Do you ever have one of those days where you have a massive pile of really important documents you need to get through, but they are all super hard and super time consuming and so you avoid doing them as long as possible…until it finally gets to the point that you realize that you just […]

“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.”

Life is ever changing, and sometimes it is hard to let go of the past we loved in order to make room for the future ahead.  We hold on to things tightly, dreading the thought of letting things go that we cherish so deeply.  But what we have to recognize is that as much as […]