Tag Archives: friendship

Kindred Spirits You’re Destined To Meet

“When you encounter someone you were destined to meet the conversation will take flight as if it were on the wings of angels, complete strangers confiding in each other as if you were lifelong friends.” – Kevin Hall Have you ever had the experience of meeting someone for the first time, but having that feeling […]

Today I #GiveThanks for my Parents

Today is Day #4 of the seven day #GiveThanks challenge. You can read all about the challenge in yesterday’s blog post I shared, but the gist of it is that each day for seven days you post pictures and a blurb about something you are thankful for on social media. I’ve been posting them on […]

Celebrating Daughters and Sons

To be honest I’d never even heard of a National Daughters Day until I saw a post on Facebook over the weekend from my Mother wishing her five daughters a happy National Daughters Day. I of course immediately googled it to find out what she was referring to.  Come to find out Friday September 25th […]

Take Care Of Your Friends

Take Care Of Your Friends Friend is a word that I don’t throw aroundThough it’s used and abused, I still like the sound.I save it for people who’ve done right by meAnd I know I can count on, if ever need be. Some of my friends drive big limousinesOwn ranches and banks and visit with […]

Be The Light (guest post by Dalton Anderson)

To mix things up a little for y’all I asked my son Dalton to write today’s blog post: I was talking to a good friend of mine today – I’ll just call him “Kurt” (to respect his privacy). Kurt was sharing some of the trials that have been occurring in his life recently. Summed up, […]

It’s So Helpful To Know You Are Not Alone

I was just finishing up a business meeting when my husband called yesterday to tell me he needed to get to the emergency room. Now anyone who knows my husband Rollin can understand why hearing those words over the phone shook me – My husband grew up on a dairy farm and he is stubborn […]

Tis The Week Before Christmas

I can hardly believe it’s the week before Christmas already! This month is flying by so fast and there is still so much to get done before Christmas next week that its hard not to be freaking out a little bit – and yet if we let ourselves freak out we are going to miss […]

Changing The World For The Better

Today was a really big day – it was the groundbreaking for the new Scott C. Keller Business School Building at Utah Valley University.  This is a project our Woodbury School of Business National Advisory Board I’m Chairing has been working on for years so it was fantastic to see it actually happening. And I’m […]

Have Each Others Back

The other night I was watching a show about a Navy SEAL Team. Seeing the way the team has each others backs, through thick and thin, was so inspiring and it really got me to thinking…perhaps the reason those SEALs are able to be so brave and have such courage to face whatever obstacles lie […]

The Most Valuable Currency There Is

“The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.” – Jim Carrey It was nine years ago yesterday, October 16, 2010, when I got the phone call letting me know that my best friend Steve Gasser had died. It was totally unexpected and a complete shock when it happened. I was […]

The Put Your Oxygen Mask On First Before Helping Others Principle

I sat staring at the computer screen.  It was an empty page to begin typing todays blog onscreen and I sat watching the curser blinking at me.  I thought to myself “What can I write about today?”…several more minutes went by as I just staring at the screen….that’s when I realized “I got nothin’”…My mind […]

On Civility And Kindness

Last Friday night I was invited by my dear friend, retired US Senator Orrin Hatch, to hear Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch speak at BYU at an event being put on by the Hatch Foundation.    Introducing Justice Gorsuch was President Dallin H. Oaks (the First Counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of […]

It Only Takes Three Words To Strengthen Any Relationship

Years ago someone shared an article with me titled “Only 3 Words” that reads as follows: “There are many things that you can do to strengthen your relationships. Often the most effective thing you can do involves saying just three words…The following three-word phrases can be tools to help develop every relationship. 1.Let me help […]

The Rule Against Why Or When

I moved every few years as a kid. My father’s work took us from Oregon, to Washington, Michigan, Virginia, Tennessee, Texas, California and then Utah. Every time we moved and I had to say goodbye to my friends it was hard. That gave me a special appreciation for the fact that from the time my […]

Begin With The End In Mind

“Begin with the end in mind.” That was the advice my father gave to my nephew and his bride when he officiated their wedding ceremony this weekend.  Their marriage sealing took place in the Draper Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints where their marriage could be sealed for time and all […]


Could we but draw back the curtains That surround each other’s lives, See the naked heart and spirit, Know what spur the action gives, Often we should find it better, Purer than we judged we should, We should love each other better, If we only understood. Could we judge all deeds by motives, See the […]

It’s Not The Places We Go, It’s The People We Are With

My husband and I spent most of last week in New York City with the Hale Center Theater Founders Board. The Hale Center Theater is an incredible community theater in Utah that has plays of the caliber of any Broadway show I’ve seen. Each year this board takes a trip together to go and see […]

Some Things Are Just Going To Have To Wait

It’s a pretty terrible feeling when you realize that you’ve waited too long to order your Christmas gifts and even with the beloved Amazon Prime account you still won’t be able to have all your gifts delivered in time. How has this month gone by so fast already?!  I’ve still got so much to get […]

Trials Are Empowering

“Have you ever gone through something difficult and that experience allowed you to empathize with friends or even strangers who were facing a similar challenge? Or have you seen others experience sorrow from difficult circumstances and turn their pain into a moving, empowering cause? The trials we face allow us to develop compassion for others […]

Nuggets Of Knowledge. What 47 Years Have Taught Me.

September 14th…I can’t believe I’m turning 47!  Why is it that 47 just sounds so old when I say it… I can’t pretend I’m not feeling how old I am, because I do. Aches and pains come from nowhere, climbing stairs takes a lot more effort, and the wrinkles…so may wrinkles…but with all that, I […]

What We See On The Surface And What Lies Beneath. Everyone Needs Compassion.

It’s so easy for us to assume that because someone looks fine or appears to have a good life that they aren’t going through hard things. It’s also easy for us to assume that our own struggles are more difficult than someone else is since we are only capable of fully understanding the depths of […]

Loyalty Is Returned

“Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned.” Loyalty. Over the years I have learned so much about how vital loyalty is in our relationships. Whether it’s a relationship in business, a relationship with a family member, a relationship with a friend, a relationship with a spouse, a relationship with a […]

Give people the benefit of the doubt

“A lovely little girl was holding two apples with both hands. Her mom came in and softly asked her little daughter with a smile: my sweetie, could you give your mom one of your two apples? The girl looked up at her mom for some seconds, then she suddenly took a quick bite on one […]

Friendship Is Built In The Present, But We Can Deepen Its Roots By Sharing Stories From Our Pasts

Dalton here, Amy’s one month shy of turning 25 year old son (feel free to mark that in your calendars so you’ll remember to send birthday wishes my way 🙂 ) filling in for my Mom tonight so she can have a little alone time with my Dad…and frankly, I prefer to not know what […]

Communicating Like That Isn’t Any More Effective In Getting What You Want As An Adult Then It Was When You Were A Child

“I’m gonna hold my breath until you give in and give me what I want!”  Now there’s a communication tactic we learned as children was never effective in getting us what we wanted. All it did was make our cheeks turn blue and give us a pounding headache. Never once did it actually get us […]

What I Learned From Losing

Dalton Anderson checking in for the ol’ Mama Bear. Not that my mom is old, but since she’s a grandma and all I guess it wouldn’t be true to say she’s young either ;). Instead of digging myself a grave, I’d like to share a story of what happened this weekend. My two brother-in-laws play […]

We Don’t Meet People By Accident, They Cross Our Paths For A Reason

Today I was blessed to have two new people come into my life, and as soon as we all sat down for lunch I knew there wasn’t anything accidental about our being introduced to one another. It was clear to me that these two amazing women, who I felt an instant bond of friendship with, […]

Leave it all on the ice

These last few months have been a roller coaster for me. Between my family and both our extended families we have experienced some of life’s highest highs and some of its lowest lows all within a matter of just a few months. In those months there have been days of being happier than I could […]

The things we CAN do for others and the things we CANNOT do

One of the most difficult challenges a person can ever take on is the task of being a Parent. Being a parent is intimidating, it is heart wrenching, and some days it is downright terrifying. You do your best to teach your kids everything even though you are still learning yourself, you do your best […]