Tag Archives: what awesome looks like

53 and ME!

Tomorrow will be my 53rd birthday.  53!!!  Where did the time go?!  The very last daily blog post I wrote was written exactly three years ago today on the night before my 50th birthday and was titled “What 50 years have taught me”.  That blog post read as follows:

Kindred Spirits You’re Destined To Meet

“When you encounter someone you were destined to meet the conversation will take flight as if it were on the wings of angels, complete strangers confiding in each other as if you were lifelong friends.” – Kevin Hall Have you ever had the experience of meeting someone for the first time, but having that feeling […]

Customer Service is EVERYTHING!

As I left the Chick-fil-a drive through window today after grabbing lunch to take to my husband, who was working furiously on our office remodel, I couldn’t help but wonder, “Why can’t every company be as good at customer service as Chick-fil-a is?? From the moment you pull up to their building they are waiting […]

Valuable Advice For Husbands

8 years ago today my husband did something that led me to share some valuable advice for husbands which I shared through a blog post I’d written eight years ago titled “NEVER let your wife’s car run out of gas!”: I was leaving the house early the other morning in the middle of that terrible […]

When Good People Come Together, Great Things Happen

Throughout my life I’ve been blessed to know many truly good people.  From my family, to my friends, to my business associates, I’m surrounded by incredibly good people in my life. And whenever I meet a person who is truly good I get super excited to have them meet all the other truly good people […]

We Won’t Accomplish Anything Spectacular Until We Attempt To DO Something Spectacular

We will never accomplish anything spectacular until we attempt to DO something spectacular. Sometimes there are projects or goals so big they seem like they’d be totally impossible to accomplish. Especially as you start to think about every little thing that would need to happen to bring it to pass…all the stars that would need […]

From The Inside Out

“The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take people out of the slums. Christ would take the slums out of people, and then they would take themselves out of the slums.The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes men, who then change […]

Life is Like A Journey On A Train

Today I received the sweetest email from a dear friend of mine with a message that made me tear up.  It read “thanks for being on my train” with the following message attached: “Life is like a journey on a train… with its stations… with changes of routes… and with accidents!  At birth we boarded […]

Figure Out What’s Up For You

Today I gave a keynote speech at the 25th anniversary of the “What’s Up Down South” Economic Development Conference, Southern Utah’s largest business gathering each year.  Normally the conference is held in beautiful St. George but because of COVID this year the conference was held online.  You know it’s said that public speaking is the […]

No Problem Too Big Or Small To Matter

Over the weekend I saw a post my daughter had written on social media about an experience our family had over the Thanksgiving holiday. It was a little thing that happened, but as I read her post I realized that the impact of that little thing is so much larger and ought to get shared, […]

To Walk Where He Walked

Ten years ago this week I was in Israel with my husband and two kids. We were there to visit the places where Jesus Christ had lived. It was an amazing experience to visit the place where He was born, grew up, and died, and it was incredibly special to be doing it the week […]

A Reminder of Everything Good About Christmas

Forty years ago tomorrow, December 21, 1980, my favorite Christmas movie of all time, “Mr. Kruegar’s Christmas” starring Jimmy Stewart as Mr. Kruegar aired for the first time. I was only nine years old when it aired, but even as a nine year old I appreciated the touching story of Mr. Willy Krueger, a widowed […]

The Light of Hope Still Shines, Even in 2020

With the craziness of traveling to Washington DC over the Thanksgiving holiday and returning home and immediately jumping on an all day zoom session of meetings and then speaking on a panel at a University, I hadn’t even noticed that the month of December had begun… Then I saw that I’d gotten a text from […]

Before You Head Out For Thanksgiving Weekend

Before you head out for Thanksgiving weekend to gather with your families and extended family members you may want to step into a room alone, take a deep breathe in…hold it…and slowly let it out. Then remind yourself that while the next few days will likely be full of chaos, screaming children, siblings fighting, food […]

If You Could Talk To Your Younger Self What Advice Would You Give Them?

“If you could travel back in time for a few hours and sit down with yourself as a teenager or young adult, what advice would adult you want to give younger you?” It’s an interesting exercise to ask yourself that question. And it’s interesting to feel the emotions that come as you consider the way […]


Today my friend and mentor, Charles Koch (Chairman and CEO of one of the largest privately held companies in the country, Koch Industries), released his brand new book titled “Believe in People” which he co-authored with Brian Hooks, CEO of philanthropic group Stand Together (which my husband and I are a part of).  Charles and […]

Get Your Game Face On!

In yesterday’s blog I shared how much me and my family love music and shared a playlist of happy songs  Today I thought in the spirit of preparing for Thanksgiving celebrations with family next week I would share our family’s love of GAMES!!! Finding new board games and card games is something I am always […]

An Opportunity To Re-evaluate

Life can seem really complex any particular moment and when we are in the thick of things its easy to get overwhelmed. It’s also easy to get so busy that you don’t even realize how much time you are spending on one thing or another and before you know it you are so busy going […]

Voting Is A Small Price To Pay For Freedom

Despite this being a year where the last thing I want to hear about, read about, or talk about is politics, I felt it important to bring something up. Don’t worry – I’m not going to try and tell anyone which candidates to vote for Tuesday as I feel that is a deeply personal decision […]

It Might Sound Like A Curse But It’s Been A Blessing

August 13th of this year marked the ten year anniversary of me writing a daily blog and hitting that ten year mark was the goal I had set for myself.  For ten long years I have literally written a blog five days a week, every single week, without missing a single day (other than National […]

The Miracle Of Hope

It’s only a three minute video clip, but it’s three minutes spoken by a man who is incredibly special to me (I’ll explain why below) that reminds us that what we need right now is RELENTLESS HOPE…it reminds us that WE CAN HOPE…that WE SHOULD HOPE…that WE HAVE EVERY REASON TO HOPE:

Four Ways To Reduce Fear

In the article “Love Is Medicine for Fear: Life, especially pandemic life, is full of threats and uncertainty. When we feel afraid, bringing more love into our lives can help.” written by Arthur Brooks in The Atlantic, he explains: “More isolation plus more hostility equals less love; less love equals more fear. To reduce fear, […]

Family Traditions – KEEP DOING THEM!

It’s always on a Saturday morning in October. Our family meets down at a place called the Red Barn. We get their homemade apple cider and freshly made apple donuts for breakfast and then we climb aboard a tractor trailer to ride on hail bails out to the pumpkin patch where we explore a corn […]

Believe In People

Believe in People: Bottom-up Solutions for a Top Down World is an awesome new book that I was blessed to receive an advance copy of from authors Charles Koch & Brian Hooks. I’ve had the privilege of getting to know both Charles and Brian personally over the last several years through Stand Together, a philanthropic […]

You Might Only Have One Match But You Can Make An Explosion

I was on a conference call today in which the people on the call were each asked to share a time they’d seen the transformative power of the belief in people. As I listened to each person share their differing stories I kept thinking about these words from one of my very favorite songs: Like […]

DROP THE MIC! Seriously, It Couldn’t Have Been Said Any Better

There has been much said by many on the topic of politics, racism, hatred, anger, and all that divides so many people today. Much of what is said on the topics is done in anger or in inflammatory ways that only serves to make divides even larger. When I heard Dallin H. Oaks’ talk this […]

I Invite You To Watch General Conference With Me This Weekend! I’M SO EXCITED!!!

This conference is free for everyone. It is available to watch or listen to in about every language you can think of. You can see it via television broadcast, live stream, or listen via radio. And it is going to be filled with inspiring talks and messages of hope that will exceed your expectations beyond […]

Real Confidence

As a young girl I struggled with low confidence. I looked to external things to try and gain confidence such as trying to be thin, or wearing attention seeking outfits, and so on.  But none of those things ever brought me confidence…just the opposite…the attempts to be thin led to having unhealthy eating habits that […]

Take Care Of Your Friends

Take Care Of Your Friends Friend is a word that I don’t throw aroundThough it’s used and abused, I still like the sound.I save it for people who’ve done right by meAnd I know I can count on, if ever need be. Some of my friends drive big limousinesOwn ranches and banks and visit with […]

It Is Not The Critic Who Counts

The other day I was talking with a college student pursuing their degree in entrepreneurship. They shared that they were feeling discouraged by a nasty message they’d been sent by a fellow student criticizing their entrepreneurial efforts. My response was to advise that in my experience people who tear you down like that are feeling […]