Tag Archives: take a risk

Four Ways To Reduce Fear

In the article “Love Is Medicine for Fear: Life, especially pandemic life, is full of threats and uncertainty. When we feel afraid, bringing more love into our lives can help.” written by Arthur Brooks in The Atlantic, he explains: “More isolation plus more hostility equals less love; less love equals more fear. To reduce fear, […]

Nothing Good Happens Until You Let It

Nothing good happens until you let it. That’s the thought that came into my head today. The reason? Well, I was about to embark on a bit of an adventure and I was feeling all kinds of nervous about it. To put it more bluntly, I was downright afraid…afraid of the unknown…afraid of the what […]

Stand Up To Your Full Stature, For That Is The Way Of The Strong

“The real tragedy is the tragedy of a man who never in his life braces himself for his one supreme effort, who never stretches to his full capacity, never stands up to his full stature. To lie down and moan and whine about limited opportunities is the part of weaklings. To grasp the opportunities at […]

What would you do?

Here is an interesting story I came across: A letter was found in a baking powder can wired to the handle of an old pump that offered the only hope of drinking water in a very long, seldom-used trail across the Armagosa Desert. The letter read: “This pump was all right as of June 1932. […]

How will you choose to live your one remarkable story?

We have only one life to live. That is why it is so important to decide how you will choose to live your one remarkable story! Do you want to try to accomplish incredible things, or do you want to sit on the sidelines too afraid of failure to ever take the risk of even […]