“That moment when you pour a bowl of cereal and realize there’s no milk so you sit there wondering why bad things happen to good people.” (tee hee) It’s so easy in life to think that because you are trying to live your life right and do good things that therefore nothing bad should happen […]
Here is an interesting story I came across: A letter was found in a baking powder can wired to the handle of an old pump that offered the only hope of drinking water in a very long, seldom-used trail across the Armagosa Desert. The letter read: “This pump was all right as of June 1932. […]
Today we are all going to take a Thirty Second Quiz. Now I realize that the word “Quiz” probably gives a few of you PTSD as you start thinking back to the days when you walked into your college classroom and your professor would tell you to take out your number 2 pencils because you […]
You probably read today’s title and wondered how it is possible for anyone to profit from failure. It is success we profit from, is it not? The profits from success may be far more obvious to everyone, but I would submit that we can profit just as greatly from failure if we choose to. My […]
I really appreciate poems and quotes and talks that remind me of truths we all know, but too often forget. This poem was written over a hundred years ago but its message is still relevant to all of us today: Worth While by Ella Wheeler Wilcox It is easy enough to be pleasant, When life […]
A young lady was taking a religion class in college and during the class they discussed life’s trials we are faced with and they talked about overcoming life’s trials. The teacher would often refer to the fact that when we are faced with trials it is akin to a refiner’s fire. The young lady wanted […]
“Expecting a trouble-free life because you are a good person is like expecting the bull not to charge you because you are a vegetarian.” It’s so easy in life to think that because you are trying to live your life right and do good things that therefore nothing bad should happen to you. I mean […]
This past week my cousin returned from a 20 month stint working in Afghanistan to come home to his beautiful family that lives on the east coast. His wife and their nine children had been anticipating his return with such excitement. I noticed his wife posted a darling message on her Facebook page last week […]
“Being humble means recognizing that we are not on earth to see how important we can become, but to see how much difference we can make in the life of others.” -Gordon Hinckley Recently I was interviewed by Shauna Lake on KUTV news. During the interview she asked me if the success of my last […]
So those of you up on the daily reading of my blog know I got hurt a few days ago when my face and a board met up at my new construction site. The sweetest person sent me a really cute email to cheer me up and the story she shared in the email had […]
There is huge power in the examples set by the people we surround ourselves with. Tonight I want to share a story of one of the great examples in my life. My daughter Ashley is 17 years old. For those of you who have followed my blog for a time, you are aware that last […]