Tag Archives: worthwhile

Anything Can Happen, Anything Can Be

Listen to the mustn’ts child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts, Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN, CHILD. ANYTHING CAN BE. -Shel Silverstein First I have to say that I LOVE Shel Silverstein’s poetry!  He teaches so many incredible lessons through his […]

The Thirty Second Quiz

Today we are all going to take a Thirty Second Quiz.  Now I realize that the word “Quiz” probably gives a few of you PTSD as you start thinking back to the days when you walked into your college classroom and your professor would tell you to take out your number 2 pencils because you […]

Delicious Ambiguity

Certainty…it’s something we all long for because we want that feeling of security, but the fact is that none of us can ever really get it because life is, and always will be, full of uncertainty. That’s why the key to being at ease in life is to learn to embrace uncertainty. So how do […]

The Perfect Way To Start Off This Week of Christmas!

Two of my favorite Christmas movies of all time are “It’s a Wonderful Life” starring Jimmy Stewart, and “Mr. Krueger’s Christmas” which also stars Jimmy Stewart. Mr. Krueger’s Christmas first aired on December 21, 1980 – 35 years ago to the day tomorrow! I was only 9 years old when I saw it for the […]

Do Something Worthwhile with the Life We Have Been Given

I heard a news story today about someone who was been killed in a car accident. It made me stop and think a lot about how fragile life is. The person in that car woke up thinking that today would be a day like any other day, with absolutely no idea that today would be […]

Mirror, Mirror on the wall…You’re GORGEOUS!

On the wall of my friends office hung a princess mirror.  It wasn’t just any princess mirror, it was a Disney princess mirror that talked to you when you looked into the mirror, stating things like “that color looks lovely on you” and “you are so pretty”. It had to be my FAVORITE mirror ever! […]