Tag Archives: motivate

Traits of Highly Intelligent People

In an article written last year by Shanna Lebowitz for Business Insider she discussed 8 traits that research has shown that highly intelligent people tend to have in common: 1. They’re highly adaptable They learn to work around problems and find solutions when complications arise. 2. They understand how much they don’t know They aren’t afraid to […]

Operating On A Wing And A Prayer

I had just gotten back from my Lake Powell trip late the night before and I was looking forward to having my Sunday afternoon after church got over to unpack my suitcases and take a nap to recover from our long trip home. My plan was to spend all day Monday writing a talk and […]

There’s No Kill Switch On AWESOME

“There’s no kill switch on AWESOME.”  – Dilbert A woman who worked with terminally ill patients often asked them what their biggest regrets were from their life.  One of the regrets shared was that they wish they had let themselves be happier.  Note the phrase “let themselves be happier”, which was them acknowledging that they […]

Speak The Truth

Years ago I wrote an article for Forbes called Speak The Truth Even If Your Voice Shakes which talked about the importance of giving people honest feedback in a respectful way, even at times it feels uncomfortable or  intimidating to do so.  In the article I shared seven lessons I’d learned about giving feedback and […]

Thank You For Your Service

November 11th is US holiday dedicated to honoring military veterans and celebrating their service. And I believe its also a day we should honor and celebrate the families of the veterans who are as much the heroes as those who serve. I am so grateful to veterans and their families for affording me a great nation of freedom […]

What’s in it for me?

“Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are asking, “What’s in it for me?” ” – Brian Tracy I have always been a big fan of Brian Tracy’s books and trainings and I had come across that quote when I was still fairly young in business and it really helped […]

How Far You’ll Go

Just how much are we capable of doing in our life? Just how far in life are we able to go?  The answer to those questions will depend on what we ourselves determine we are willing to do. How big are we willing to make our dreams? How hard are we willing to work? How […]

What you fill your mind with

“You are the books you read, the films you watch, the music you listen to, the people you meet, the dreams you have, the conversations you engage in. You are what you take from these. You are the sound of the ocean, the breath of fresh air, the brightest light and the darkest corner. You […]

An Idea That Inspires People Can Shape The Course of History

“Ideas shape the course of history.” – John Maynard Keyes Tonight I will be judging a business competition called “Bench 2 Bedside”. This is an annual business competition put together by the University of Utah where student teams are formed that consist of medical students, engineering students, and business students who come together to create […]

Replenish, Renew, Refocus, and Improve

Every so often in life we all need to take a little break to be able to refill our tank, so to speak, to replenish our souls and to refocus on the things that are truly important. I often get so busy with everyday life that I forget to make time to do this, which […]

Common Traits of Highly Intelligent People

The other day I attended a meeting where I was able to able to meet with several companies that had all been started under one umbrella where they began in think tank full of really intelligent people who all worked on different ideas until their best ideas rose to the top to become actual companies. […]

You Were Born To Stand Out

“Stop trying to fit in when you were born to stand out.” – unknown I believe that every person born on this earth is born with special God-given talents and that it is our job to then discover those talents by trying all kinds of different things and as we discover our gifts we should […]

Maybe it won’t work out, but maybe it’s worth seeing if it does

“Maybe it won’t work out. But maybe seeing if it does will be the best adventure ever.” That’s a quote we all needed to hear! I love it because it totally reminds us to have courage to go ahead and try things, even when we aren’t feeling totally sure that it is going to turn […]

“Victory is not won in miles, but in inches.”

Have you ever been so heads down working that you literally didn’t realize that morning had turned to nighttime without you even moving once from your seat? That was literally my day today. I seriously sat in the same seat the entire day so completely focused on the work I was doing on my computer […]

2017 will be as incredible as the GOALS you set for it!

We are just days away from the start of a brand New Year! And with the New Year comes a new chance to start fresh with a set of goals you want to accomplish in 2017…that’s right…its time to bust out the glue stick and scissors because it’s time to make your 2017 Goal Poster! […]

What To Do and What NOT To Do

Throughout my life I have been blessed with some incredible mentors and role models. They have taught me the “what to do” things in life, and the “how to be” qualities, that if we embrace will turn us into someone others will want hope to emulate someday as well. The more in life I would […]

“Growing from our past is productive…attempting to live there isn’t.”

When we lose something in life, such as losing a job or losing a relationship, we run the real risk of getting stuck. Stuck looking back at what we had, stuck overanalyzing why we lost it, and stuck feeling sad about it being gone. If we allow ourselves to get stuck spending all of our […]

Doing our part to be deserving of their sacrifice

November 11th we honor people who sacrificed of themselves so that a Nation could protect the sacred gift of freedom for its citizens. I stand in awe of the amazing Veterans who so selflessly served, as well as those who continue to serve, for such an important cause. These veterans willingly chose to leave their homes and […]

A Great Way To Teach Life Lessons

As a kid I used to get so excited when my Grandparents would come to visit. They lived in another state from us so it wasn’t that often that they came out to see us. My Grandpa would go on walks with me on the trails in the woods and I loved walking with him […]

When it doesn’t work out the way you had hoped..

If you have done all you can do, giving it your very best effort, and it still doesn’t work out the way you had hoped it would, then you have to trust that it wasn’t in your best interest for it to work out that way. Sometimes when we are excited about something going a […]

It’s Gonna Be Okay

Anyone that knows me knows that music is a HUGE part of my life. I love music and I love to dance. So does my family. You will often find us dancing around our kitchen or driving in our car belting out a song at the top of our lungs. I think the reason we love […]

Who’s Packing Your Parachute?

“Charles Plumb was a US Navy jet pilot in Vietnam. After 75 combat missions, his plane was destroyed by a surface-to-air missile. Plumb ejected and parachuted into enemy hands. He was captured and spent 6 years in a communist Vietnamese prison. He survived the ordeal and now lectures on lessons learned from that experience! One […]

You’re Never Too Old To Wish Upon A Star

This week I have been sharing life lessons I learned during my family trip through the Mediterranean on the Disney Magic cruise ship where we visited Spain, Italy, France, and Monaco. To wrap up my posts for this week I will share the biggest life lesson I gleaned from my trip – “Where there is […]

Find that thing that brings you JOY!

Back in 2011, as a Christmas gift, my son Dalton who was a freshman in college at the time, decided to write a blog for me one night so I could take a night off from writing. It was posted back when my blog was only for my employees so none of you got to […]


STOP BEING SO HARD ON YOURSELF! Yes I’m yelling with the all caps because we all need to have someone yell that at us once in a while. We all tend to be our own worst critics in life. And for those of us who are women, we are our own worst critic times ten! […]

Most of all, Be AMAZING

Do you ever have one of those days when you come across something that totally inspires you and makes you want to just be AMAZING?! Well today that happened to me. I came across this quote/poem written by someone named Robin Sharma and I LOVED IT! Just reading it made me want to go out […]

Let’s Start A Smile Epidemic

Have you smiled yet today?  We don’t have to have a perfect life to have a reason to smile. Smiling is just a way to show God that we appreciate all He has given us. And each of us reading this has at least one thing to be appreciative of because the very fact we […]

If I Had My Life To Live Over

IF I HAD MY LIFE TO LIVE OVER  (by Erma Bombeck) I would have talked less and listened more. I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded. I would have eaten the popcorn in the “good” living room and worried much less about the dirt […]

Life is an Echo

“Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others, exists in you.” -Zig Ziglar I want to share a story with you called “The Mountain Story.” A son and his father were walking in the mountains. Suddenly, his son […]

The Impact of One Kind Word

Drop a Pebble in the Water Drop a pebble in the water: just a splash, and it is gone; But there’s half-a-hundred ripples circling on and on and on, Spreading, spreading from the center, flowing on out to the sea. And there is no way of telling where the end is going to be. Drop […]