Tag Archives: music

Happy Feel Good Playlist

I love love love music…the power and influence of good music can be life changing. My family also loves music and anytime we come together you can pretty much guarantee there will be at least one impromptu dance party in our kitchen. A few days ago my daughter Ashley Hill posted a list of songs […]

From A Cloud Of Depression Into The Sunshine

“To press on in noble endeavors, even while surrounded by a cloud of depression, will eventually bring you out on top into the sunshine. – Ezra Taft Benson Ezra Taft Benson also suggests several things we can do to help pull us out of a cloud of depression and help bring us out into the sunshine: […]

You Can Only Be Young Once. But You Can Always Be Immature

“You can only be young once. But you can always be immature.” -Dave Berry My sister Jen and my niece Rachel came into town this week to visit from California. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to spend time with the two of them but 17 years ago my niece Rachel actually lived with […]

In The Blink Of An Eye

As those who follow my blog know, I am deep in the thick of wedding planning for my daughter Ashley’s wedding this week. Today as we were working on getting the song list together for the DJ and listening to different songs when I was suddenly hit with this overwhelming feeling of sadness as I […]

Be Relentlessly Focused On The Smallest Details

 “To create something exceptional, your mindset must be relentlessly focused on the smallest detail.” –Giorgio Armani There is something incredible about creating something. I don’t know exactly how to describe what it is, but when you are in the process of creating something there is an excitement and an energy that feels so amazing to […]

How to Wake-Up Such That You’ve Set The Stage For A Happier Day Ahead

I’m just going to put it out there – I do NOT like waking up in the mornings. I tend to be more of a night owl which makes it really hard for me to wake up early, yet most days I’ve got things scheduled all day long which means I end up being grumpy […]

Be Relentlessly Focused On The Smallest Details

“To create something exceptional, your mindset must be relentlessly focused on the smallest detail.” –Giorgio Armani There is something incredible about creating.  I don’t know exactly how to describe the feeling, but when you are in the process of creating something there is an excitement and an energy that is so amazing to get caught […]

Tale As Old As Time

Last night I went with my husband and my kids to go and see Disney’s new movie, Beauty and the Beast. If you haven’t yet gone to see this movie GO SEE IT! I don’t just say that because I happen to be obsessed with all things Disney, which I totally admit to being…I say […]

You are never too old to DANCE

Over the weekend I was involved in putting on a big event for a Board I serve on. One night of the event we held a big dinner with a talent show and then after the talent show we had a dance party. The group involved spans a big age range of couples from in […]

“Don’t let fear stop you from doing the thing you love”

All of us have things we love to do in life, but sometimes we let fear get in our way of actually doing them. We are afraid of messing up, or afraid of being embarrassed in front of others, or afraid of failing…so instead we don’t do that thing we love…and that is a shame… […]

The Speech of Angels is Music

“Music is well said to be the speech of Angels.” –Thomas Carlyle I love music. I have always felt that music is the most powerful way to touch a person’s spirit. It surpasses all language barriers and it can go right to the heart and soul. And without a doubt, songs of praise do that […]

“Growing from our past is productive…attempting to live there isn’t.”

When we lose something in life, such as losing a job or losing a relationship, we run the real risk of getting stuck. Stuck looking back at what we had, stuck overanalyzing why we lost it, and stuck feeling sad about it being gone. If we allow ourselves to get stuck spending all of our […]


I love hugs and I have always been a hugger. I hug everyone. It is just something I have always done because it makes me happy! But it doesn’t just make me happier – hugs make everyone happier! Did you know that every time you hug someone or someone hugs you that oxytocin gets released […]

It’s Gonna Be Okay

Anyone that knows me knows that music is a HUGE part of my life. I love music and I love to dance. So does my family. You will often find us dancing around our kitchen or driving in our car belting out a song at the top of our lungs. I think the reason we love […]

Growing Old Is Mandatory but Growing Up is Optional

In a few hours I will be turning 45 years old. 45 sounds SO OLD!!! To put in perspective how many years ago I was born – the internet wouldn’t be invented for 20 more years! And it would be 27 years before Google was launched!! Yikes…that sounds SO OLD!!! I’ve seen things change a lot in […]

RETWEET – The Breakfast of Champions (by Ashley)

Since my daughter Ashley has gotten home from her mission she constantly says the word “Retweet” whenever we say anything she agrees with. So today, in honor of her, I thought I would “Retweet” a blog she wrote for me back when she was only 17 years old. It was such a great blog that […]

Music and Memory – an Old School Throwback Jam

Some of the greatest song quotes ever – “It takes two to make a thing go right…it takes two to make it outta sight…” –Rob Base  and “Don’t just stand there bust a move!” -Young MC and “If you gotta problem, yo I’ll solve it….Word to your mother…” -Vanilla Ice Last Saturday night my husband […]

The best thing about Memories is making them

We are just two days away from a holiday weekend. And one thing I have found in life is that if you don’t make a plan in advance to do something fun, an incredible holiday weekend can come and go and you’ll find you didn’t make any great memories at all! And that would be […]

This feels like a great week to be HAPPY!

The desire to be happy. It’s a desire shared universally. It is one thing in life we all have in common – the desire for happiness. Some people wait for happiness to find them, only to learn that this kind of happiness is temporary and it goes as quickly as it comes. Other people have […]

Avoid discouraged, depressed, and empty!

Motivation. We all need it. Not just once or twice, but every single day of our lives. If we don’t refuel our motivation tanks on a regular basis we will burn through them and find ourselves discouraged, depressed, and empty. It would be nice if we had a low fuel indicator light on our personal […]

Angels We Have Heard On High

Tonight I had the opportunity to attend the most INCREDIBLE Christmas Concert! I was able to go and hear the world famous Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s annual Christmas Concert. At tonight’s concert they performed The Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah. It was the first time I have ever heard that sng performed in person and it […]

Sing Choirs of Angels

One of the reasons I love this time of year most is all the amazing carols and music for the holiday season. I LOVE great music and amazing singers and I love it when they share their talent of singing for the world. I have nothing but respect for people who have a talent that […]

You Set The Tone

I was talking with someone the other day who was sharing how much fun they had at a Halloween party our family threw in our driveway. I was thanking them for coming to the party and I agreed with them that it was a really fun time. They then made a comment that really stuck with me […]

51 Days Til Christmas!

Holiday season has officially begun!!! Which also means tis the season for awesome online sales!!! That’s what I’m talkin’ about baby 🙂 I love, love, love the holiday season and I love the month of November because it’s the official kickoff to the season – it is time to bust out the apple cider, the […]

Weekend Forecast: Gain an Hour and a Few Pounds

Happy Halloween Weekend Ahead! Not only do we gain an entire hour of extra sleep Saturday night when the clocks fall back (yay, more sleep!….I am so happy about that!), but we get to look forward to gaining a few pounds from eating candy, candy, candy!!!  Dang that candy… We really love Halloween at our […]

We are never too old to believe in fairy tales, happy endings, and MAGIC!

Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE Disney. I love Disney movies, Disneyland, Disney artwork, Disney statues, and well…all things Disney.  Perhaps some of you might think it’s strange that a grown professional woman loves Disney so much, but let me tell you why: What Disney represents to me is: Once Upon a Time […]

Don’t Be So Focused On The Steps That You Forget To Dance!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE to dance. Anyone who spends five minutes with my family pretty much knows that my husband and I and our two kids are constantly dancing around to music as we drive, as we clean the house, as we throw impromptu dance parties pretty much any place, anytime. I still remember coming […]

Your life is your message to the world. Make sure it’s inspiring.

What impact do you want to have? How do you want to influence your world? In each of our lives, at some point we will find ourselves in a position of influence. It may be influence that comes as a result of a talent in filmmaking, or acting, or music, or writing, or speaking, or […]

In The Famous Words From Disney’s Frozen “Let it Go”

There are just three short days until we celebrate Christmas! This weekend was fantastic. Our kids came home from college and we went to an awesome Christmas concert by pianist Kurt Bestor. During the concert he brought out a children’s choir and one little girl sang the famous song “Let it Go” from the Disney […]

Don’t Take A Single Moment For Granted

Yay! I am so excited that Christmas break has officially begun and both my kiddos come home from college tonight to spend the holidays back at home with us!  BEST PRESENT EVER!!! Having your family back together again is the absolute best gift in the world.  For me this will be our first Christmas together […]