Tag Archives: favorite song

Such Is The Value Of Music

I planned to write a blog today with fun details of our moving offices but when I woke up to an alert on my phone reminding me today was tax day everything else went out the window while I got that taken care of. Then I had an important project to get done for my […]

The Speech of Angels is Music

“Music is well said to be the speech of Angels.” –Thomas Carlyle I love music. I have always felt that music is the most powerful way to touch a person’s spirit. It surpasses all language barriers and it can go right to the heart and soul. And without a doubt, songs of praise do that […]

It’s Gonna Be Okay

Anyone that knows me knows that music is a HUGE part of my life. I love music and I love to dance. So does my family. You will often find us dancing around our kitchen or driving in our car belting out a song at the top of our lungs. I think the reason we love […]

This feels like a great week to be HAPPY!

The desire to be happy. It’s a desire shared universally. It is one thing in life we all have in common – the desire for happiness. Some people wait for happiness to find them, only to learn that this kind of happiness is temporary and it goes as quickly as it comes. Other people have […]