Such Is The Value Of Music

I planned to write a blog today with fun details of our moving offices but when I woke up to an alert on my phone reminding me today was tax day everything else went out the window while I got that taken care of. Then I had an important project to get done for my daughter today and now that it’s 2:15am and I’m just finishing that up for her my update on the move will have to wait until tomorrow. Thank heavens my daughter-in-law Alexis sent me a really cute blog that’s perfect to share or it would be 4am before I could get to bed tonight 🙂 . Here’s Alexis blog

Dalton and I had a date night tonight, so when we got home our kids were already in bed. As I was getting ready for bed—and I’m sure other mothers can relate— I started thinking about our kids and started singing the lyric, “can’t stop me now!” Dalton immediately laughed because he knows our almost three year old son Flynn goes around singing that phrase of the song EVERYWHERE. Flynn LOVES it!

Another of Flynn’s favorite songs right now is “What’s Up Danger” by Blackway and Black Caviar, played in the movie “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse”. Flynn is obsessed with Spider-Man, so he associates this song with his favorite superhero. It makes him feel like he is in fact Spider-Man and he can take down all the bad guys!

I love music! It is so powerful and can have a major effect on how we feel. Wouldn’t it be awesome if during every epic part of our life, music started playing?! I can’t be the only one who has felt this. I have a specific playlist called “Those Days” on my Spotify account for days I want to just be sad and wallow in agony. I also have a playlist called “My Favorites” when I want to go on a walk down memory lane. It’s safe to say I have a playlist for every aspect of my life. And if I don’t, Spotify has me covered!

I love this quote by Nelson Mandela, “Music is a great blessing. It has the power to elevate and liberate us. It sets people free to dream. It can unite us to sing with one voice. Such is the value of music.” As you’re sitting here reading this, I encourage you to find ways that music can enrich your life. Find that one song that immediately boosts your mood and makes you feel like Spider-Man (or your favorite superhero) too.

~Alexis Anderson, daugher-in-law of Amy Rees Anderson, author of the book “What Awesome Looks Like: How To Excel in Business & Life” )

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