Tag Archives: down

In a Funk?

Do you ever have days where you feel out of balance, unmotivated, and just plain blah? And you find yourself stuck in a funk even though you have no idea why? And no matter what you do you can’t seem to figure out how to snap out of it?  Yeah…we’ve all been there… It’s a […]

Don’t ever let a person acting horribly get you down

There are a lot of really good people in this world, and there also some people who choose to be really horrible. To all you good people out there I want to say, “NEVER LET ANY PERSON WHO IS CHOOSING TO BE HORRIBLE GET YOU DOWN!” Sorry to yell with my all caps there, but […]

This feels like a great week to be HAPPY!

The desire to be happy. It’s a desire shared universally. It is one thing in life we all have in common – the desire for happiness. Some people wait for happiness to find them, only to learn that this kind of happiness is temporary and it goes as quickly as it comes. Other people have […]

Avoid discouraged, depressed, and empty!

Motivation. We all need it. Not just once or twice, but every single day of our lives. If we don’t refuel our motivation tanks on a regular basis we will burn through them and find ourselves discouraged, depressed, and empty. It would be nice if we had a low fuel indicator light on our personal […]

“That’s the way the cookie crumbles”

Growing up in a family of ten kids led to some awesome memories.  One memory in particular that I thought about today was the following story: We were sitting around our massive dinner table (it took a huge table to hold all 12 of us!).  We were preparing to sing Happy Birthday to one of the […]

Wisdom Taught By Example Of A Tree

One of my very favorite poets is Shel Silverstein, and one of my very favorite books, which he wrote, is called “The Giving Tree”.    It’s an amazing story of a tree that loves a young boy.  The tree cares for the boy, protects the boy, feeds the boy, and over the years ultimately gives every […]