Tag Archives: winning

It’s A Mental Game – Win It!

Remember when we were kids and how excited we would be to wake up to see snow on the ground and get news that school was cancelled?!  Maybe we should all try waking up tomorrow and pretending we are little kids that just found out it was a snow day!  ….and isn’t it interesting how […]

Happiness Is Living In The Moment RIGHT NOW! A message from a man with ALS

Earlier this year one of my dear friends, Warren Osborn who is also a very successful entrepreneur, was diagnosed with the fatal disease ALS.  The news rocked my husband and I because Warren is one of the most active, healthy people we know. He has a work ethic that is unmatched and he’s never afraid […]

The Motivating Power Of A Friendly Competition

I’m a firm believer in competing against our own best selves over trying to compete with other people.  That being said, I am all about having fun friendly competitions once in awhile because they are just a great way to motivate yourself.  Growing up as a middle child in a family with ten children it […]

There is always some sadness in every ending and some excitement in every beginning

I can’t believe summer is over and everyone is starting back to school. I’m sure many parents out there have mixed feelings about their kids starting back again, and I’m sure some of the kids have mixed feelings about going back as well. I’m sure we all feel some sadness that summer is over and […]

In a Funk?

Do you ever have days where you feel out of balance, unmotivated, and just plain blah? And you find yourself stuck in a funk even though you have no idea why? And no matter what you do you can’t seem to figure out how to snap out of it?  Yeah…we’ve all been there… It’s a […]

A Lickin’ Does A Fellow Good

Saturday when we got home from our Hawaii trip we opened a knock at the door to find my mother-in-law and father-in-law who had driven down from Idaho to surprise us with a visit as they wanted to be here for my husband’s birthday tomorrow (Tuesday).  One of our favorite activities when our in-laws come […]

What Makes A Winner?

“Years back when we lived in Boise, Idaho, a man … Bill Bowman, who was the wrestling coach at Boise State College, did his doctorate work, his dissertation, on what makes a winner. After interviewing over a thousand athletes and feeding all the information into the computer, he got his answer. Do you know what […]

Living A Life Of Honor

Winning. It’s something that everyone wants because let’s face it, it is far more fun to win than it is to lose. But there is something that should mean more to all of us than winning does, and that is living a life of honor. In the world today it too often feels that people […]

Profit From Failure

You probably read today’s title and wondered how it is possible for anyone to profit from failure. It is success we profit from, is it not?  The profits from success may be far more obvious to everyone, but I would submit that we can profit just as greatly from failure if we choose to. My […]