Tag Archives: trick

What would you do if you were exactly the person you’d like to be?

Too often in life we have a tendency to discount our own potential. It is often much easier to recognize other people’s talents and abilities than it is to see our own. But there is  a trick you can use to help yourself rise to the level of person you want to become – some […]

Happiness is finding out you have a three day weekend ahead!

Since mid-December I have been traveling non-stop. First to Idaho, then to Hawaii, then to Washington DC, then to California, and then to Cabo San Lucas…each trip coming back to Utah for a few days in between and then heading right back out again on the next trip. I feel like I have literally lived […]

Our direction is set by the little day-to-day choices we make

“The course of our lives is not determined by great, awesome decisions. Our direction is set by the little day-to-day choices which chart the track on which we run.” – Gordon B. Hinckley Everyone who knows me knows that I am all about setting goals and moving in the direction of those goals. So when […]

What Makes A Winner?

“Years back when we lived in Boise, Idaho, a man … Bill Bowman, who was the wrestling coach at Boise State College, did his doctorate work, his dissertation, on what makes a winner. After interviewing over a thousand athletes and feeding all the information into the computer, he got his answer. Do you know what […]

Imagine Your Life Without It

“If you want to appreciate what you have, imagine your life without it.” It’s an unfortunate thing, but it is all too often the case – In life it is so easy to fall into the trap of not appreciating all that we have. Whether it’s a person, or an experience, or a material possession, […]

“I love tax season” Said NO ONE EVER!

“Have you ever noticed that when you put together THE and IRS it spells THEIRS?”….ironic eh? There are very few weeks I dread more than the week before tax returns are due. Trying to pull together all your information from the prior year to figure out all your income and deductions when you can barely […]

Life Is Life A Roller Coaster.

“Life is like a roller coaster. It has its ups and downs. But it’s your choice to scream or enjoy the ride.” That quote is great because it makes it so easy to visualize what it is saying. Yes life is indeed like being on a roller coaster. We can’t control the ups and downs […]

Does Life Ever Get Easier?

I remember as a kid thinking how I couldn’t wait to become and adult because life seemed so much easier for adults. Being a kid felt hard….I mean after all, Adults got to go out whenever they wanted to, they had money to buy whatever they wanted (at least that’s what you thought as a […]

Things We Can Learn From a Dog

Our dogs are beloved members of our family.  I have two of the cutest dogs in the world. Not only are they adorable, they are also incredibly smart. My husband gets the credit for training them. He is definitely the dog whisperer at our house and has taught our dogs to do about every trick […]

Change It, or Change your Attitude

“If you don’t like something, change it.  If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”  -Maya Angelou In life there are some things you can change but there are a whole lot of things you can’t.  And determining the difference between the two is a key factor in controlling your own happiness in life.  Sometimes […]