Tag Archives: growing up

How Can I Possibly Be Turning 49??!!

How can I possibly be turning 49 years old tomorrow!!?? Here I thought I was going to be turning 48 tomorrow until my husband reminded me I am actually going to be 49…What?!!?!! How did I miss a year from my life??? I can’t possibly be turning 49 because that would mean I’m only one […]

The Fear Of Childishness and The Desire To Be Very Grown Up

Having been sucked into an endless hole all day of gathering receipts so my accountant can get my tax return prepared in time for the upcoming tax deadline, I asked my son Dalton if he’d write tonight’s blog post for me. Here’s Dalton’s post: “When I became a man I put away childish things, including […]

Remember when you were a kid and you thought being an adult would be fun?

Remember when you were a kid and you thought being an adult would be fun?  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL That quote literally made me laugh out loud when I read it because it’s so hysterically yet painfully true!  As little kids we couldn’t wait to grow up…to be old enough to “do whatever we want”, and stay […]

We All Scream For Ice Cream As We Begin Summer 2019!

Guess what??  Today is National Vanilla Milkshake Day! YEEE HAWWW 🙂 Why am I so excited about that, you ask?  Because I LOVE ice cream!  That’s why. So when I heard that today was National Milkshake Day I thought, “What could be better than that?!” You see, I growing up in the Rees Family, ice […]

The Day That Changed My Life Forever

I can’t believe that it has already been 26 years…26 years ago I was at work when my water broke. It took me a minute to figure out that’s what was going on because, let’s face it, wetting yourself isn’t that unheard of when you are nine months pregnant with a baby kicking your bladder. […]

As Much As Things Change, Some Things Will Always Stay The Same

The last day of August. I can’t believe summer is coming to an end. As sad as that is, I have to admit I am kind of excited for Fall. It’s one of my favorite times of the year. Of course my birthday coming up in September and the fact I’ve convinced my family we […]

In The Blink Of An Eye

As those who follow my blog know, I am deep in the thick of wedding planning for my daughter Ashley’s wedding this week. Today as we were working on getting the song list together for the DJ and listening to different songs when I was suddenly hit with this overwhelming feeling of sadness as I […]

You are more than enough. You. Are. Amazing.

The following article was written about Mom’s but the truth is that we have all been there before, both Moms and Dads. We’ve all had those moments when we feel we aren’t good enough to handle everything life is throwing at us as parents. But this article reminds us that we actually are: “To the […]

We can learn it the easy way or we can learn it the hard way and only we can decide which it will be

“Don’t touch that, it’s hot” my mom said as she pulled out a fresh tray of cookies from the oven – yet immediately I started thinking “I wonder how hot it really is? It’s probably not that hot. I think I’ll just see for myself just how hot it is.” You would think that nursing […]

Try and inject a little more of that childhood attitude of wonder into our adult lives

Watching all the cute little kids in their trick-or-treating costumes, running around ecstatic about all the free candy they were collecting, I couldn’t help but think how great it was to be a little kid. So oblivious to the problems in the world, wide-eyed with excitement about even the littlest things, believing in fairy tales […]

What I’ve learned over the last 46 years

Tomorrow I will turn 46 years old. 46…why does that sound SO old?  I suppose its because I remember as a child looking at adults who were 46 years old and thinking “they are SO OLD” 😉 Most past birthdays I have dreaded getting another year older, and I suppose there is a big part […]

If parenthood came with a GPS it would mostly just say: RECALCULATING

The other day my son Dalton, whose wife is expecting their first child in August, called me sounding a little stressed and said something to the effect of, “Mom I just realized that I am going to have a kid here soon  that’s going to be with me forever and that I need to parent! […]

Think BIG!

From the time I was young I have had an inability to think small. I don’t really know why I am like that, I just always have been. In college when friends wanted me to sell $10.00 lipsticks I immediately thought, “Why sell just $10 of something when for the same effort I could sell […]

Luck Is Just Believing You’re Lucky!

Happy St Patrick’s Day March 17th!  A for the sake of avoiding a pinch – remember to wear GREEEN! Here’s the answers to a few things at St. Patrick’s Day you might not have known (cause I sure didn’t until I looked them up!): Did you ever wonder why people pinch each other on St. […]

Simpler Times. Maybe we should having them a little more often.

My mother sent me a copy of a posting put on Facebook by a gal named Christy Dickson that my sister and I were friends with back in the elementary and junior high years growing up in Washington. Here is her post: “I grew up in a little town…On Sundays you didn’t ask if you […]

Growing Old Is Mandatory but Growing Up is Optional

In a few hours I will be turning 45 years old. 45 sounds SO OLD!!! To put in perspective how many years ago I was born – the internet wouldn’t be invented for 20 more years! And it would be 27 years before Google was launched!! Yikes…that sounds SO OLD!!! I’ve seen things change a lot in […]

Some days you just need to go to the “Pooh Tent”

I’m sure everyone reading the title of today’s blog has to be wondering what the heck I could possibly mean when I say that some days you just need to go to the Pooh tent?  I’ll explain: Years ago I shared in a blog how when my children were young and they were acting badly […]

When you get to the end of your rope…

Growing up there was a poster on one of my siblings bedroom wall that they got for free when they ordered books from the scholastic book order forms we used to get back in elementary school (ps. I loved those book orders!). The poster had a picture of a kitten that was barely hanging onto […]

They CAN DO Hard Things IF you will let them

I was watching something the other day where s a mother to a teenage boy was busy doing her son’s laundry while her son was busy playing on his Xbox. The more I observed the situation the more I wanted to scream out “If your child is capable of conquering level 15 of their video […]

“We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.”

“We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.” – Max DePree Change is hard because it stretches us. It pulls us out of our comfort zone. It forces us to come out of the known and head into the unknown, and that is always a little unnerving. But the fact […]

Fall in love all over again

This afternoon I went with my son and his fiancé for them to have their bridal photos taken and he got to see her for the first time in her wedding dress. It was such an amazing moment as a mom to be there and see him turn around and see the girl he loves […]

“Sometimes you’ll never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”

“Sometimes you’ll never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” My husband’s older brother and his family came to visit us today. They started reminiscing about their growing up memories together and the friends they’d had along the way. My husband shared with his brother that a few weeks ago one […]

Does Life Ever Get Easier?

I remember as a kid thinking how I couldn’t wait to become and adult because life seemed so much easier for adults. Being a kid felt hard….I mean after all, Adults got to go out whenever they wanted to, they had money to buy whatever they wanted (at least that’s what you thought as a […]

“Sometimes the smallest things take up the most space in your heart.”

“Sometimes the smallest things take up the most space in your heart.” That quote from Winnie the Pooh is so true. In life it is those little things that are so meaningful to us and become our favorite memories. Growing up I remember our family dinners most. Every night we would all surround our huge […]

20 Words to the Wise

This time of year we hear the stories of the Wise Men so I thought it would be a fitting time to share an Anonymous posting I came across called “20 Words to the Wise” that had 20 great words of advice to help each of us become more wise in our own lives: 1. […]

Growing Old is Inevitable, Growing Up is Optional

Today was (is) my birthday.  Yep, I am growing older, which is inevitable for all of us. But, I have decided that growing up….well that is optional 🙂  … For my birthday my kids and their friends are spending the weekend with my husband and I and nothing is better for making you feel younger […]

Thanks for Waiting Up

Growing up I wasn’t always the easiest teenager.  I was stubborn, fiercely independent and ridiculously tenacious.  I thought I knew everything. I thought I didn’t need anyone to watch out for me.  And even though my parents were aware I didn’t want anyone watching out for me, every night I went out I would come […]

Growing Up

Growing Up Growing up is never easy. You hold on to things that were. You wonder what’s to come. But then you realize that it is time to let go of what has been and look ahead to what will be. But letting go isn’t always easy. In every aspect it is hard at times […]

Wear Sunscreen and Other Valuable Life Advice

Back in 1999 a poem came out that I thought was cute, but not especially meaningful. Later they even made the poem into a song.  As I read that same poem today I no longer find it just cute, I find it extremely meaningful and I can’t help but get choked up by it.  Oh […]

Isn’t it Amazing that We Made It

Tonight I came home after working an incredibly long day with the subcontractors at our home and collapsed into a chair.  My daughter came home and I told her that the rest of the night was all time just for her and I to spend together.  We sat together on the couch and started having a […]