Tag Archives: space

Diversity Is Required To Make A Company Strong, But Unity Is Required To Make A Company Successful. (Forbes Article)

Diversity seems to be a goal that every company is out to achieve these days. Yet as companies begin to broaden their hiring practices in order to achieve diversity, they often find that in solving one problem they have also opened up an entirely new one – creating unity amongst diversity. As diversity enters into […]

Some days you just need to go to the “Pooh Tent”

I’m sure everyone reading the title of today’s blog has to be wondering what the heck I could possibly mean when I say that some days you just need to go to the Pooh tent?  I’ll explain: Years ago I shared in a blog how when my children were young and they were acting badly […]

Schedule a Clean-Up Day

Every now and then you just have to schedule a Clean-Up Day! A Clean-Up Day is a day where you literally spend an entire day cleaning up all the things that have been piling up for far too long and that have managed to make your space feel like total chaos. To begin your clean-up […]

“Family, where life begins and love never ends”

“Family is like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.” I grew up in a family of ten children.  Five boys and five girls.  How my mother did it I will never know!  Especially because we weren’t the most mellow of children to say the least.  […]

Taming the Desktop Monsters

For those of you who have ever seen my offices, you can attest that my office is often times a disaster, with stacks and stacks of papers and piles of post-its everywhere you look. Just looking at my desk in the mornings gets my stress level rising. There is no feeling of peace when your […]