Tag Archives: goals

Traits of Highly Intelligent People

In an article written last year by Shanna Lebowitz for Business Insider she discussed 8 traits that research has shown that highly intelligent people tend to have in common: 1. They’re highly adaptable They learn to work around problems and find solutions when complications arise. 2. They understand how much they don’t know They aren’t afraid to […]


It was August 13, 2010 when I posted my very first blog.  I was CEO of my company MediConnect Global at the time.  My company had grown from 70ish employees to well over a thousand and I had been struggling to find a way to stay in touch with all of the employees in the […]

Talents In You Just Waiting To Be Discovered

There are powers inside of you which, if you could discover and use, would make of you everything you ever dreamed or imagined you could become.” – Orison Swett Marden Deep within each of us lies talents, abilities, and powers that go so far beyond anything we could begin to imagine. Too often in life we […]

Wish Flower Or Weed?

One day my husband and I were walking along a riverbank when I looked over and saw an awesome Wish Flower. I used to see them all the time when I was a little girl living in Puyallup, Washington. They were all over our backyard and as kids we would go out and pick the […]


I wrote a book titled “What Awesome Looks Like: How To Excel In Business & Life” which was just published last year.  In my blog posts for this week only I thought it would be fun to share some excerpts of my book with you. Today I’ll be sharing my intro to the book and […]

Dare To Be!

When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully. When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light. When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it. When something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway. When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back. When […]

To Innovate Does Not Necessarily Mean To Expand

“To innovate does not necessarily mean to expand; very often it means to simplify.” – M. Russell Ballard Being in lockdown has required companies and service providers to innovate in order to keep their businesses alive. For so many years everyone has looked at growth as the indicator of innovation. Yet as the quote reads, […]

The Power Of The Goal Poster

Tonight I spoke to a group of Young Women between age 11 and 17 about “The Power of the Goal Poster”. The Power of the Goal Poster is actually the title of a chapter from my book “What AWESOME Looks Like: How To Excel In Business & Life” that’s available for purchase on Amazon.com. Below […]

A Parent’s Letter To Santa

Last week we took our children and grandchildren to go ride the Polar Express train for Christmas. As I was watching my daughter-in-law getting her two year old son and her four month old daughter ready to go it reminded me of how utterly exhausting it can be to a mother with small children. The […]

Join Me For This Weekends Semi-Annual REFRESH!

It’s time for a semi-annual REFRESH!  That’s right…every six months an entire weekend is dedicated to refreshing, renewing, and re-centering your spirit!  It’s the BEST!  This semi-annual conference is a live broadcast that streams over the internet over a weekend every October and again every April, and this weekend is the October conference! I’M SO […]

Greatness Takes Work

“The heights by great men reached and kept Were not attained by sudden flight, But they, while their companions slept, Were toiling upward in the night.” -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Achieving greatness, whether in business, or a talent, or our personal lives, takes work….loads and loads of hard, dedicated, crazy amounts of work. And there will […]

From A Cloud Of Depression Into The Sunshine

“To press on in noble endeavors, even while surrounded by a cloud of depression, will eventually bring you out on top into the sunshine. – Ezra Taft Benson Ezra Taft Benson also suggests several things we can do to help pull us out of a cloud of depression and help bring us out into the sunshine: […]

If You Have Purpose You Don’t Have To Be Pushed, Your Passion Will Drive You There

“If you have a strong purpose in life, you don’t have to be pushed. Your passion will drive you there.” – Roy Bennett I’d only been asleep for three hours when my alarm went off at 4am this morning. I had an early morning flight I needed to get up and ready for so I […]

Begin With The End In Mind

“Begin with the end in mind.” That was the advice my father gave to my nephew and his bride when he officiated their wedding ceremony this weekend.  Their marriage sealing took place in the Draper Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints where their marriage could be sealed for time and all […]

ADD, OCD, or TBD? Which Disorder Do You Have?

“Our attention span is shot. We’ve all got Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD or OCD or one of these disorders with three letters because we don’t have the time or patience to pronounce the entire disorder. That should be a disorder right there, TBD ‘Too Busy Disorder.’ ” – Ellen DeGeneres ADD and TBD…those are […]

With A Great Team The Unimaginable Suddenly Becomes Very Imaginable

In September of 2017 I formed a brand new National Advisory Board for Utah Valley University’s Woodbury School of Business at the request of UVU President Matthew Holland (an amazing man who left UVU last year to serve as a mission president for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). I was able to […]

You Were Meant To Fly

Recently I had a conversation with some young women who shared feelings of discouragement after they had been told that they needed to accept certain limits on their choices for the future. I was so frustrated because I know firsthand those limits don’t exist and those young women can achieve all of the goals they […]

How Will You Use Your Opportunity To Influence Others?

Each of us will have an opportunity to influence an untold number of people during our lifetime. So the question we must ask ourselves is, “When we have opportunities to influence others how are we going to use them?  What will we do when we are given a moment in the sun?  What impact do […]

Insanely Exciting News – Bust out the pink bling and sparkles!

Several months ago the day after we’d spent time together as a family (with my two kids and their spouses and our grandbaby) my husband said, “I think we are going to be grandparents again.”  “Of course we will be” I replied with certainty given all the incentives I’ve thrown out to bribe my children […]

WHAT AWESOME LOOKS LIKE: How To Excel In Business & Life

I have to say that starting the year off with a great big completed check on one of my big goals from my goal poster feels pretty fantastic! I finished writing my very first book ever and I’m going to be receiving my advanced copy of the book fresh off the presses from the publisher […]

The Lie You Told Yourself

You told yourself “Life will slow down once we get through the holidays” …then you realize you have been telling yourself that about pretty much everything for years now… “After this event things will slow down”, “Once I finish this project things will slow down”, “As soon as we get through this holiday things will […]

Keep Your Eyes On The Wall

Have you ever had a daydream about doing something really incredible?  But then you quickly dismiss it because you are almost afraid to admit to wanting it because people might think you were nuts for wanting something that may appear so out of reach?  We’ve all been there… But here’s the thing – what’s would […]

Steel Going Strong

For Christmas this year my husband made me THE coolest Wonder Woman sign that he made for me out of steel, which is also super fitting given that it’s our 11 year wedding anniversary tomorrow (December 31st) and the 11th anniversary just happens to be our steel anniversary!  Perfect right?! Then from the scraps of […]

Children are great imitators so give them something great to imitate

Welcome back! I hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving holiday!  If you ate even a portion of the food I consumed over the weekend then you too are wondering how in the world you will ever fit into your normal pants again to go back to work tomorrow!  It’s been so nice to wear elastic waist […]

The True Measure Of Our Thanksgiving #LightTheWorld

“Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.” -W.T. Purkiser Have you heard about the #LightTheWorld Worldwide Day of Service?  I want to give you a heads up now so you can get in on the fun!  December 1st is going to be the […]

There Are No Rules Of Architecture For A Castle In The Clouds

“There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds.” – Gilbert K. Chesterton Holding back. We all do it. We have this dream in our heads that is so big and so audacious that we start to trim it back in our minds into something that seems more realistic…something we could share […]

Don’t Stop Until You’re Proud

“Don’t stop until you’re proud.” -unknown This past week I rode a bicycle from Vermont up to Montreal Canada. Now I know that might sound like no big deal to many of you, but for me it was a HUGE deal! For starters I hadn’t ridden a bicycle since I was twelve years old. In […]

Why This Weekend Is One Of My Favorite Weekends Of The Year!

Twice a year, every year, over the course of a weekend, there is a conference held in which around 35 amazingly inspiring speakers give talks on everything from integrity, to attitude, to finding balance, enduring trials, education, forgiving, service, gratitude, family, hope, happiness, and a myriad of other important and inspiring topics.  I get so […]

Attributes Of Empathy

“Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” – Plato This video clip below is awesome! It is a perfect illustration of why we ought to have a little more empathy for other people. We shouldn’t assume we know what someone is feeling or what they might be dealing with. We can’t […]

The Torch Bearer

Each of us have been born with special talents that God gave us so we might use them to benefit the lives of others. As we do, our own lives will be blessed as well. I love the following poem because its a great reminder to stay humble and recognize that our gifts are just […]