WHAT AWESOME LOOKS LIKE: How To Excel In Business & Life

I have to say that starting the year off with a great big completed check on one of my big goals from my goal poster feels pretty fantastic! I finished writing my very first book ever and I’m going to be receiving my advanced copy of the book fresh off the presses from the publisher ForbesBooks this very week! It’s called What Awesome Looks Like: How To Excel in Business & Life

Is it weird that I am super nervous to see how the actual printed version turned out?? I’ve spent eight years writing down the different lessons I’ve learned as an entrepreneur, a CEO, a leader, an investor, and just in my life in general…then I spent all of last year going through all of those lessons to choose which lessons I would include in this first book I was writing. Then I spent months compiling everything and writing additional thoughts that came to me in that process. It was an insane amount of work and I’m am just super happy to finally know that its finished and I’ll be able to hold it in my hands in a matter of days!

I’ve got to be honest, I’m a little afraid to read my book in hardcopy print when it arrives because I know I’m going to pick it apart to no end as I’m reading it again wishing I had done better at this chapter, or regretting that I didn’t word that section differently, or wondering why I forgot to add this story, etc, etc, etc….sigh…  Maybe it’s better if I don’t read it when it comes 😉

I just have to keep in mind why I wrote the book in the first place –I did it in hopes that by writing this book I can help others benefit from the lessons I’ve learned. So eloquently written or not, if it accomplishes that purpose and helps even one person to excel then it was all worth it.

If you want to read the book you can place your pre-order on Amazon.com by clicking here: https://www.amazon.com/What-Awesome-Looks-Like-Business/dp/1946633763

Thanks for letting me share my big news with you! All of you are what AWESOME looks like to me!

~Amy Rees Anderson


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