Tag Archives: chances

Talents In You Just Waiting To Be Discovered

There are powers inside of you which, if you could discover and use, would make of you everything you ever dreamed or imagined you could become.” – Orison Swett Marden Deep within each of us lies talents, abilities, and powers that go so far beyond anything we could begin to imagine. Too often in life we […]

While You Are Growing Up, They Are Growing Old

Today I was really bummed out because it was my Mother’s 78th birthday and we couldn’t be with her even though she lives only fifteen minutes away.  With the quarantine we could only stand on her front porch singing Happy Birthday to her through the glass and then leave a cake an balloons on her […]

Striving for balance in your life

Balance…it’s a word that makes me crazy because I feel like it’s dang near impossible to achieve in life. Nonetheless, I find myself constantly seeking out articles with advice on how we can gain better balance in our lives. Tonight a dear friend sent me this article below. It is apparently a speech that was […]

Keep Away From People Who Belittle Your Ambitions

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”  -Mark Twain I love that quote and I totally agree with it. So much of what you will accomplish in life is influenced by the people you […]

Life is Your Time To Dance. I Hope You Do It!

We all have an unknown amount of time to live our lives, and during that time we will have the opportunity to do many things like take chances, enjoy moments, fall down, get hurt, get back up, learn, and best of all….dance. The first time I heard the lyrics to the song below I fell […]

“Life always offers you a second chance.  It’s called tomorrow.”

Isn’t it great to know that when you wake up each morning you start your day with a fresh new chance to make of it whatever you will? I think it’s fantastic!!! I love the quote in today’s title:  “Life always offers you a second chance.  It’s called tomorrow.” Because it reminds us that it’s […]

Discovering All That is Inside of You

Deep within each of us lies talents, abilities, and powers that go so far beyond anything we could begin to imagine. Too often in life we sell ourselves short thinking “I can’t” or “I am not capable of…” or “I am afraid to try in case I fail”.  We hide our true potential behind a […]

“Love your Parents. We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old.”

Life the past few months has been a reminder that I am growing older, especially facing an empty nest.  However, in all my focus to deal with seeing my own children grow older I have honestly lost sight of the fact that my own parents are also growing old… My parents stopped by the other […]

All It Takes Is A Thought

Do our thoughts really have an influence on what we are able to accomplish in our life?  The answer is simple – YES! If the thought in our head is that we can possibly do something then the chances are we will attempt it, and the attempt means that there is that possibility that we […]

The Most Beautiful People I Know…

“The most beautiful people I know are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.  These people have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion and a deep loving concern.”   -author unknown People who have been […]

Why It’s So Hard To Trust

“People ask me why it’s so hard to trust people, and I ask them why it is so hard to keep a promise.” Nothing is as frustrating as putting your trust in people who then let you down. Trusting people in the first place is always scary.  But then after you take that leap and […]