Tag Archives: treasure

To Fathers, Grandfathers, And All Those Men Who’ve Influenced Our Lives For The Better

This Sunday is Father’s Day and the subject of fathers is one that is incredibly near and dear to my heart today for several reasons.  One of those reasons is that my father-in-law is struggling still. He had his surgery last week but the nerve and muscle pain down his leg still hasn’t let up […]

A gift to be treasured

As I shared in yesterday’s post, I was honored to be inducted in the Utah Technology Council (UTC) Hall of Fame last Friday. As part of that the UTC hired a company called Avalanche Studios to go and interview a few of the important people from my life as well as interviewing me and to […]

The Biggest Secret I’ve Ever Had To Keep

Keeping exciting news a secret is not something I enjoy. When I buy someone a gift it’s all I can do not to tell them the moment I buy it. It makes keeping Christmas presents a surprise incredibly difficult. But today I am proud of myself because for the last two months I have been […]

Don’t miss a single moment of joy

Tis the Days Before Christmas Tis the days before Christmas, we’re all going nuts; With so much to do, there’s no ifs, ands or buts. Buy presents, hang tree lights, pop cards in the mail, Send gift packs, thread popcorn, find turkeys on sale. Decorations need stringing up all through the house. And you haven’t a […]

Love Them All The Way To The End

I love the holiday season – I love the decorations and the holiday goodies and that extra feeling of love in the air. And I especially love Hallmark Christmas Movies!!! For those who don’t know what I am talking about, the Hallmark channel on TV puts out a bunch of original Christmas movies every year […]

Bust Out Those Hoodies and Pass The Candy Corn!

I cannot believe it is the middle of October already! Holy cats people, it’s time to bust out those hoodies and pass the candy corn because Fall is officially in season and Halloween is only a few weeks away!  That means we get to carve pumpkins for the front porch, we get to bust out […]

What You Forget You Can Never Retell

“Preserve your memories, keep them well, what you forget you can never retell.” – Louisa May Alcot Tonight my sweet Mother came over to my home and we sat and scanned in several stacks of her Father’s (my Grandfather’s) papers he had written back while he was alive. As I sat scanning the different documents […]

The last day of August is like the Sunday of Summer

The last day of August really is like the Sunday of Summer….it’s like the night before you have to go back to real life again…summer vacations are over, school has started, and we are no longer able to lose all track of what day of the week it is….darn it! Yes, having August come to […]

Be In Their Lives Today

“To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today.”   Oh, how I love that quote. And it is such a great reminder for all of us that have the blessing of being a parent. I remember throughout the growing up years of my children when they would ask me […]

A Little Thanks Goes A LONG Way

Yesterday I wrote about something called Gratitude Deficit Disorder and I shared a few ideas on how to overcome the disorder and increase your feelings of Gratitude each day in order to become happier. The next step toward being EVEN HAPPIER is to express our gratitude to others! “Thank You” – that is one of […]

Striving for balance in your life

Balance…it’s a word that makes me crazy because I feel like it’s dang near impossible to achieve in life. Nonetheless, I find myself constantly seeking out articles with advice on how we can gain better balance in our lives. Tonight a dear friend sent me this article below. It is apparently a speech that was […]

Share Your Knowledge

The Dalai Lama said:  “Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.” And who doesn’t want to achieve immortality?!! Right?! Heck yes we do! Some people tend to have pride in thinking they have worked so hard to gain their knowledge that no one else is worthy to have it but them. Some […]

Keep Calm And Live In The Moment

“You can’t turn back time, so remember to live and love in the moment, before the moment is gone.” – Cece Fortune One of the mistakes I regret most from my life, and unfortunately it’s a mistake I continue to make even today, is the mistake of not living in the moment enough. As I […]

Life’s Tug of War

Life’s Tug Of War  Life can seem ungrateful and not always kind. Life can pull at your heartstrings and play with your mind. Life can be blissful and happy and free. Life can put beauty in the things that you see. Life can place challenges right at your feet. Life can make good of the […]

A Pen and Paper Can Actually Be More Valuable Than Money

What I am about to say will seem completely foreign or even downright crazy to many people, but just hear me out before you throw up on this suggestion: The next time you sit down to send an email to thank someone, consider getting a pen and paper and writing a handwritten note instead. “Handwrite […]

Focus On The Lovable Moments

“A single misunderstanding is so poisonous, that it makes us forget the hundred lovable moments spent together within a minute.” Years ago I had a best friend who taught me a great life lesson. Whenever there was a situation where hurt feelings occurred and I got angry with someone he would stop me and point […]

True Friends

“Good friends care for each other…close friends understand each other, but TRUE FRIENDS stay forever…beyond words, beyond distance, beyond time…!” Many of us have friends in our lives over the years. Some friends we make as children and then lose contact as we grow older. Other friends we make as adults and stay in touch […]

The Masterpiece Intended For You

I think this story is the perfect story to share this week. It’s a great story, but the message it teaches is one near and dear to my heart. It is called the story of Three Trees: Once upon a mountain top, three little trees stood and dreamed of what they wanted to become when […]

Don’t Take A Single Moment For Granted

Yay! I am so excited that Christmas break has officially begun and both my kiddos come home from college tonight to spend the holidays back at home with us!  BEST PRESENT EVER!!! Having your family back together again is the absolute best gift in the world.  For me this will be our first Christmas together […]

When Something Breaks Your Heart

“That moment when you can actually feel the pain in your chest from seeing or hearing something that breaks your heart.” Those moments are the worst…they just are.  Seeing or hearing something that breaks your heart is such a hard thing to go through. It’s a feeling you wouldn’t wish on anyone. Most of the […]

Schedule Life Experiences So “Stuff” Doesn’t Steal All Your Time

I’m busy, your busy, we are all busy.  It’s just that simple. Life is BUSY!  And if we are not careful we will find that our time is no longer our own, rather it gets taken over by this meeting or that meeting and those emails and these people to call.  Even if you don’t […]

Happy Fourth of July Everyone!

Since it is a holiday I don’t normally post my blog but I wanted to take just a few minutes to wish everyone a fabulous Fourth of July holiday with their loved ones and friends, and I wanted to personally express my thanks to all of those men and women who serve our country today […]

Embrace Sentiment

Packrat, hoarder, collector….we have all heard the terms.  Some of us even relate to the terms.  Maybe not to the extent that we see on the TV show Hoarders, but somewhere between that and a packrat.  My son is someone who I have teased for years as being somewhat of a packrat.  He saves every […]

Sharing Treasures

Today I was invited to attend a luncheon with Ann Romney, Mitt Romney’s wife (former governor and Presidential candidate).  Ann recently released a cookbook called “The Romney Family Table: Sharing Home-Cooked Recipes and Favorite Traditions,” and she has been traveling across the country to share stories about her new book.  She was incredibly warm and […]

We Weren’t Meant To Do It Alone

So as many of you are aware, my 20 year old son is serving a 2 year mission for the LDS church in Mississippi right now.  Each week I get an email from him letting me know how things are going out in the field.  This week he sent an email that had an AMAZING […]

“Don`t Count The Days…Make the Days Count”

All of us have worries and concerns in life. Things we are scared of. Things we are dreading. Worries about what “might” happen or what “might not” happen. It seems that there is a truly endless supply of things to spend our time being worried about. Yet, at the end of the day does the […]