Tag Archives: throw away

Choose a President “who will enforce the laws and administer the law in equity and justice”

“The great danger in any society is apathy and a failure to be alert to the issues of the day, when applied to principles or to the election of public officials. …Our civic responsibilities is to choose those to govern us as civil officers and magistrates who will enforce the laws and administer the law […]

Spring is the Perfect Time to Take Out All Of The Trash In Our Lives

It is finally starting to feel like spring outside with sunshine and warm weather and blossoms and flowers cropping up everywhere. I LOVE it!  And with Spring comes Spring Cleaning. Yep, it’s time for all of us to wash our windows so the sunlight can come through. And it’s finally warm enough to open those […]

“A place for everything and everything in its place” -Ben Franklin

Today’s advice:  Organize your life BEFORE you move!  Oh my goodness how I wish I would have done just that!  I wish I would have had the time to organize my life before I had to move into a new home.  I have lived in my current home for around 15 years and it is […]

Embrace Sentiment

Packrat, hoarder, collector….we have all heard the terms.  Some of us even relate to the terms.  Maybe not to the extent that we see on the TV show Hoarders, but somewhere between that and a packrat.  My son is someone who I have teased for years as being somewhat of a packrat.  He saves every […]