Tag Archives: founding fathers

Voting Is A Small Price To Pay For Freedom

Despite this being a year where the last thing I want to hear about, read about, or talk about is politics, I felt it important to bring something up. Don’t worry – I’m not going to try and tell anyone which candidates to vote for Tuesday as I feel that is a deeply personal decision […]

Remember What It Stands For

My Great Uncle Mel Dalton was a WWII veteran who served in the US Marine Corps on the USS California. My Uncle was a truly great man who served his country at great personal sacrifice to himself and his family. He loved America with his whole soul and he understood firsthand those sacrifices made by […]

Let The Celebration Begin!

As we prepare to celebrate the Fourth of July holiday this week may we remember to “pledge ourselves to each other, and to the cause of human freedom, the cause that has given light to this land and hope to the world” as described by President Ronald Reagan in his speech given July 4, 1986: […]

Noble Virtues, Selfless Service, Self-Reliance, and Courage

WWII Veteran, and my Great Uncle, Melvin Dalton passed away last weekend just six days before his 96th birthday. Uncle Mel served in the U.S. Marine Corp on the USS California during World War II. He later served as Chief of Police in Moab Utah for eleven years. He was an incredible sharp shooter, he […]

History Has It’s Eyes On You…Don’t Throw Away Your Shot

A few weeks ago I had lunch with Lin-Manuel Miranda, the writer of the Broadway play Hamilton.  You can imagine his surprise when I admitted to him I had not yet heard the Soundtrack from his play Hamilton but I shared how big a fan of it my husband is and how excited I was […]

One Nation Formed Under God. That is what makes America great

The Declaration of Independence was approved by our Founding Fathers on July 4, 1776.  Today I was contemplating this amazing occurrence and I decided to read from some history books to gain a greater appreciation of the events that took place and the people involved.  Reading of the tremendous faith that these Founding Fathers had […]

A Week I Will Never Forget: Attending the Inauguration of the 45th President

I experienced so many incredible things over the last week that when I sit down to try and share them in this blog it is a little overwhelming to figure out how to fit it all in, but I will do my best to share the highlights and include a few fun photos for you…. […]

Choose a President “who will enforce the laws and administer the law in equity and justice”

“The great danger in any society is apathy and a failure to be alert to the issues of the day, when applied to principles or to the election of public officials. …Our civic responsibilities is to choose those to govern us as civil officers and magistrates who will enforce the laws and administer the law […]

Happy Fourth of July Everyone!

Since it is a holiday I don’t normally post my blog but I wanted to take just a few minutes to wish everyone a fabulous Fourth of July holiday with their loved ones and friends, and I wanted to personally express my thanks to all of those men and women who serve our country today […]


    This week we celebrate the Fourth of July, a day to celebrate Independence and Freedom for all people.  July 4th, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was approved by Congress.  What an amazing event in the history of the world.  And how much has taken place since that day.  According to the US Census […]

The Gift of Freedom

“Freedom means that no one can stop you from doing what is right, or persuade you to do what is wrong.”  – Dadi Janki What a great quote!  Love, love, love that quote.  Because I believe that with all my heart.  We may not all have freedom in our circumstances, but we all have freedom […]