Tag Archives: justice

Remember What It Stands For

My Great Uncle Mel Dalton was a WWII veteran who served in the US Marine Corps on the USS California. My Uncle was a truly great man who served his country at great personal sacrifice to himself and his family. He loved America with his whole soul and he understood firsthand those sacrifices made by […]

One Nation Formed Under God. That is what makes America great

The Declaration of Independence was approved by our Founding Fathers on July 4, 1776.  Today I was contemplating this amazing occurrence and I decided to read from some history books to gain a greater appreciation of the events that took place and the people involved.  Reading of the tremendous faith that these Founding Fathers had […]

The Countdown to WONDER WOMAN has begun! Why You Too Should Be Excited About That.

Look I am not even going to try and hide my excitement here – and anyone that knows me well won’t be surprised when I say that I am SO EXCITED for the Wonder Woman movie premier! So excited, in fact, that me and my friend Jacki (who I became immediate BFF’s with when we […]

Land of the Free and Home of the Brave (Happy Fourth of July!)

In 1776, after the Second Continental Congress adopted the Lee Resolution that “these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent,” John Adams wrote the following to his wife: “You will think me transported with enthusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure […]

We Need To Remember That We Are The “We” In “We The People”

Politics. It’s like the dirty word that everyone is sick of hearing, but there is no getting around the fact that politics are essential. Going through the political process is the only way to achieve the objective of promoting good government. We can’t throw our hands up in disgust and turn away from it, instead […]

Curiosity, Courage, and Courtesy

Today I was fortunate enough to be invited by President Holland to attend a lunch and sit at the table with Sir Christopher John Greenwood, a Judge for the International Court of Justice and his lovely wife Susan at UVU’s Constitutional Conference for Constitutional Studies. Both of them went up from our table to speak at the lunch event […]

“I Am An American”

This weekend we head into the Fourth of July holiday here in the United States and as we do I want to proudly and gratefully say that I am an American. Too often I take for granted how #blessed I am to be an American, to live in a country that stands for freedom of […]

“If words don’t add up, it’s usually because the truth wasn’t included in the equation.”

“If words don’t add up, it’s usually because the truth wasn’t included in the equation.” -unknown Today I was asked to sit in and observe a situation where a person (whose very job is to be an advocate for truth) stood up and told lie after lie without the slightest indication of regret or shame […]

Living a Virtuous Life

When Benjamin Franklin was a young man of 20 years old he decided he wanted to better himself. He wrote down 13 virtues and determined to practice one virtue each week. He created a notebook to track his progress, writing one virtue at the top of on each page along with a short description of […]

Private Violence

“Every day in the US, at least four women are murdered by abusive (and often, ex) partners. Over 75% of the homicides occur when the woman attempts to leave or has left her abuser.” Today I attended the showing of the documentary Private Violence at Sundance Film Festival.  The documentary follows the story of Deanna […]