Tag Archives: glory

The Torch Bearer

Each of us have been born with special talents that God gave us so we might use them to benefit the lives of others. As we do, our own lives will be blessed as well. I love the following poem because its a great reminder to stay humble and recognize that our gifts are just […]

Land of the Free and Home of the Brave (Happy Fourth of July!)

In 1776, after the Second Continental Congress adopted the Lee Resolution that “these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent,” John Adams wrote the following to his wife: “You will think me transported with enthusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure […]

There is very little in life as humbling…

Thought for the day: There is very little in life as humbling as putting on a pair of jeans fresh out of the dryer. Now the men may have no clue what I am talking about with that statement, but I would venture to say that most women in the world can understand exactly what […]

“Choose to be a Hero”

Today, former republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney came to speak to 15,000 students down at Brigham Young University (BYU). I wasn’t able to make it down for the talk but both of my kids did and they came home this evening to go to a Utah Jazz basketball game with my husband and I and […]

No Pressure, No Diamonds

No Pressure, No Diamonds…and let’s just be frank…life without Diamonds would be Un-Imaginable!  Just typing the words “no diamonds” makes me break into a cold sweat….it’s like typing the words “no happiness”…(tee hee)… Yes I admit, I love diamonds. And I don’t just kind of love them…I am head over heels in love with them!  […]