“Choose to be a Hero”

Today, former republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney came to speak to 15,000 students down at Brigham Young University (BYU). I wasn’t able to make it down for the talk but both of my kids did and they came home this evening to go to a Utah Jazz basketball game with my husband and I and they were super excited to tell us about Mitt Romney’s talk.  They shared a quote from his talk that my daughter has proclaimed to be her new favorite quote in life:

“You don’t have to be larger than life to be a hero, just larger than yourself.” – Mitt Romney

Romney told students to “choose to be a hero because we need a lot more of them.”  SO TRUE!!!

He told students to “Find ways to keep your life in perspective.” And to remember that “Every day you are writing your autobiography.”  What a great message for all of us to remember.  I love the reminder that every day we truly are writing our own life story and how important it is for each of us to be mindful of that as we go about our daily activities. It really makes you stop and think about the actions you are taking each day and the words that come from your mouth and the importance of how we spend the time we are given each day. Like it or not, our story truly is being written every day by what we are doing with our lives.  I sure hope I make my story a good one!  After all, you only get one autobiography, so you want it to be phenomenal!

One of the most emotionally impactful statements Mitt shared was this:

“Living life can become self-consuming: Who you are can be overshadowed by what you do, or what you have done. If you allow this this happen, the inevitable twists and turns of secular life can warp your self-confidence, limit your ambition, test your faith, and depress your happiness. You are not defined by secular measures.

You are a child of a Heavenly Father who loves you, you are His work and His glory. This statement confirms your incomparable worth. This statement also informs your life’s most important work: to lift others, to lift your family and spouse if you marry, and to remain true and faithful to the Almighty.”

WOW!  Awesome words and an amazingly true message. If you want to read his entire speech the transcript can be found here: http://fox13now.com/2014/11/18/transcript-mitt-romney-speaks-at-byu/

Mitt would have made an exceptional President.  He is a truly fine man and a brilliant leader and I am grateful that he was willing to share his message today with those students. I am even more grateful that my own children were able to attend and learn from the message he shared. I wish everyone could hear that message and take it to heart. I know I will.

Have a great day! And go be a HERO!


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