Tag Archives: words

What Would Your Wordle Reflect?

“Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.” -Buddha Words are such a powerful thing. Especially the words we speak. They can build up or tear down, hurt or heal, uplift or destroy. I personally believe that words, when unkind, can […]

You never realize how little self-control you have until…

“You never realize how little self-control you have until they put chips and salsa in front of you at a Mexican restaurant.”   #truth Having self-control isn’t always easy, as is so brilliantly illustrated in the example of trying not to eat the chips and salsa placed in front  of us…we can all relate to facing […]

What you fill your mind with

“You are the books you read, the films you watch, the music you listen to, the people you meet, the dreams you have, the conversations you engage in. You are what you take from these. You are the sound of the ocean, the breath of fresh air, the brightest light and the darkest corner. You […]

Replenish, Renew, Refocus, and Improve

Every so often in life we all need to take a little break to be able to refill our tank, so to speak, to replenish our souls and to refocus on the things that are truly important. I often get so busy with everyday life that I forget to make time to do this, which […]

In a Funk?

Do you ever have days where you feel out of balance, unmotivated, and just plain blah? And you find yourself stuck in a funk even though you have no idea why? And no matter what you do you can’t seem to figure out how to snap out of it?  Yeah…we’ve all been there… It’s a […]

The Impact of One Kind Word

Drop a Pebble in the Water Drop a pebble in the water: just a splash, and it is gone; But there’s half-a-hundred ripples circling on and on and on, Spreading, spreading from the center, flowing on out to the sea. And there is no way of telling where the end is going to be. Drop […]

Justification is a slippery slope

Justification is a slippery slope that will drag you downhill fast if you allow yourself to engage in it. Just think about it, the entire purpose of justification is to try and make some that is just plain wrong appear to actually be right. It’s an attitude that the ends justifies the means – but […]

Invest in your relationships.

Ever since my daughter Ashley left on her mission I am constantly being told by people how my daughter Ashley sent them a birthday card in the mail, or how Ashley sent them a sweet letter about a special occasion in their life, or how Ashley sent them a random card just to say she […]

The Value of YOU!

“Your value does not decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.” –unknown I LOVE LOVE LOVE that quote and I think everyone in the world needs to hear that quote and know that it is true. Far too often we allow other people’s opinions to impact our own feelings of self-worth. I especially […]

“If words don’t add up, it’s usually because the truth wasn’t included in the equation.”

“If words don’t add up, it’s usually because the truth wasn’t included in the equation.” -unknown Today I was asked to sit in and observe a situation where a person (whose very job is to be an advocate for truth) stood up and told lie after lie without the slightest indication of regret or shame […]

There is Something Inside You that is Greater than Any Obstacle

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”  – Christian Larson I cannot tell you how much I love that quote. It is especially helpful at times when you are facing a current obstacle in your life because those are the times […]

Daily Words of Wisdom

“Do the things you used to talk about doing but ever did. Know when to leg go and when to hold on tight. Stop rushing. Don’t be intimidated to say it like it is. Stop apologizing all the time. Learn to say no, so your yes has some oomph. Spend time with the friends who […]

The Rules We Learned At Recess

I loved recess as a little kid. I loved being out on the field running around with the sun shining. Now that  I am an adult I can look back and see that not only was recess a time for fun, it was also a teaching ground full of life lessons that would apply to […]

Don’t Be Ashamed of Your Story, It Will Inspire Others

Everyone has a story…a history…a series of failures and mistakes that have shaped them into the person they are today.  I, for one, believe we shouldn’t be ashamed of our story. Our story is what helped us become the person we are. That story is what taught us great life lessons that we might not […]

Value Yourself and Others Will Follow Suit

Imagine you are at a car lot looking at a car for sale. You ask the salesperson to tell you about the car.  They respond, “Its okay I guess. It could be shinier, and it could go faster, and the color isn’t great, and it doesn’t have the best radio, and it’s not the cleanest, […]

Words that inspire us

We have all read something that touches us or inspires us at just the right time in our lives.  Poems have a unique way of having that impact on us.  I was spending time with my daughter last weekend and we were talking about quotes and poems and stories that have really impacted us.  She […]

Four Things You Cannot Recover

I once heard a story called the Parable of the Cookie.  It’s a simple story with a surprising twist that teaches an incredibly valuable lesson. See for yourself: The Parable of the Cookie A young woman was waiting to catch a flight in the boarding area of the airport. Given that her wait was going […]

You have to start to be great

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Zig Ziglar Starting can be intimidating and scary.  Starting means that you might end up failing and people might even see you fail.  Starting means admitting something matters to you.  Starting means admitting that you care.   Yep.  That’s […]

How to Tell if Someone is Lying to You

A few years ago there was a show on TV called Lie To Me.  It was a show about a human lie detector who used people’s words, expressions, and micro-expressions to detect lies.  I was in love with the show because it was fascinating to me to learn how you could detect lies in people’s […]


“Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.” -Buddha Words are such a powerful thing. Especially the words we speak. They can build up or tear down, hurt or heal, uplift or destroy. I personally believe that words, when unkind, […]

And Everyone Wins

Hug O’ War I will not play at tug o’ war. I’d rather play at hug o’ war, Where everyone hugs Instead of tugs, Where everyone giggles And rolls on the rug, Where everyone kisses, And everyone grins, And everyone cuddles, And everyone wins. – Shel Silverstein When someone tries to pick a fight with […]

The Power of Words

Words are a powerful thing. Words can build and lift, comfort and calm, teach and inspire.  To the opposite, words can destroy and demolish, incite and enrage, berate and criticize, embarrass and demean.  It has been said that in an average day a person will speak somewhere between 10 and 20,000 words. Which means we […]

Speak The Truth, Even If Your Voice Shakes (Forbes Article)

When someone isn’t performing well at their job; or when they aren’t the right fit for a particular position; or when their personality isn’t a match for the company culture, one of the biggest disservices you can do to them is to not tell them the truth. As a CEO, I found that one of […]

Make It Happen

“Good things happen to those who wait. Greater things happen to those who get off their butt and do anything to make it happen.”   – Unknown Making it happen takes work!  And loads of it!  There is just no two ways about it.  If you truly want something in your life you can’t just sit […]

Successful Business Communication: It Starts at the Beginning (Forbes Article)

A while back I was able to attend a seminar by Dr. John Lund on communication where he gave some amazing advice on how to better communicate with others. His input was simple and easy to follow, yet powerful. The best quote of the entire event was this: “Don`t communicate to be understood; rather, communicate […]

Tips for Being a Good Communicator

A while back I was able to attend a seminar by Dr. John Lund on communication. He gave some amazing advice on how to communicate better with others and I absolutely loved learning from him. I thought I would share some tips he gave that you can incorporate into your communication with others. The best […]