Tag Archives: care


Tonight my kids showed me a social media post where someone shared their view on something and someone else disagreed with them by calling them a derogatory word, and sadly this exchange took place between two people who supposedly loved each other. I wrote a blog on this very subject five years ago because I […]

The Key To Success Is Relationships

It has been said that people do business with people they like and trust. I have found that the best way to grow a business is to be authentic with your clients. Be a real person, not a stereotype of what you think they expect from you. Be yourself. Be fun. Be happy. Make them […]

An Idea That Inspires People Can Shape The Course of History

“Ideas shape the course of history.” – John Maynard Keyes Tonight I will be judging a business competition called “Bench 2 Bedside”. This is an annual business competition put together by the University of Utah where student teams are formed that consist of medical students, engineering students, and business students who come together to create […]

When it doesn’t work out the way you had hoped..

If you have done all you can do, giving it your very best effort, and it still doesn’t work out the way you had hoped it would, then you have to trust that it wasn’t in your best interest for it to work out that way. Sometimes when we are excited about something going a […]

So You Want To Be Happy?

“So you want to be happy? Then stop letting the smallest things ruin your entire day. If you’re feeling stressed, ask yourself: Will this matter in a year from now? If YES, then do something about it. If NO, then let it go. If you’re bored with your daily routine, do something unexpected, be spontaneous. […]

The best way to multiply your excitement is to share it with others.

Have you ever found yourself talking with someone you are getting to know and you suddenly hit on a topic that both of you are super excited about? It’s SO FUN to find people who share your passion for something. It’s like this instant bond forms between you and you could talk for hours and […]

The Fastest Way To Achieve Success Is To First Help Others Succeed (Forbes Article)

Without a doubt, the fastest way to achieve success is to first help others succeed. Yet, there seems to be a belief in the business world that the only way to get ahead is to only watch out for ‘number one’. That is simply not the case. Brian Tracy explained it best when he said, […]

Ordinary People Can Do Extraordinary Things

“Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve…You only need a heart full of grace…A soul generated by love.” – Martin Luther King, Jr Speaking of those who serve, a few years ago I was able to attend a conference that highlighted ordinary people who had done some extraordinary things with their lives.  There was a […]

Life Is Better With Friends

I have learned through the years that family isn’t just made up of blood…it is made up of those people in your life who build you up while giving you input on how you can improve, those who help put a smile on your face, those who pick you up when you’re feeling down, those […]

Labor Day, the day we celebrate work by not working

Happy Labor Day everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic holiday away from work today…you gotta love that we celebrate work by not working today – PERFECT! Today I was able to spend time with good friends and their families and it was a very welcome break from all the madness the last few […]

You Can Love Donald Trump Or You Can Hate Donald Trump, But You Can’t Deny Donald Trump is Making Politics Interesting Again (Forbes Article)

You can love Donald Trump, or you can hate Donald Trump, but what you cannot deny is the fact that Donald Trump has managed to make politics interesting again. I normally cannot stand watching Presidential debates because I always end up feeling I’ve just heard a bunch of politically correct answers that use a whole […]

Become What Inspires You

“Become what inspires you.” What a GREAT quote! I guess I have never thought of it like that before so when I saw that quote I had to share it. We have to start by asking ourselves “What inspires us?” I asked myself that question and then I sat down and started typing up a […]

Respecting the Thoughts and Views of Others

I get that when people are passionate about their beliefs they want to share them with others and I think that is an awesome thing if it’s done in a positive way! In all my years of being a leader in the business world I have never once seen anyone be influenced by angry words […]

As Communication Improves, Culture Improves, As Does The Bottom Line. 4 Tools That Make A Difference (Forbes Article)

In order to be a successful company you must create an environment that encourages the contribution and open sharing of information. As the CEO of a high growth company I found it necessary to implement very simple, but incredibly powerful software tools to help us create that environment. Each tool served the purpose of facilitating […]

It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving

Every Sunday when we sit down for our family dinner we have a tradition where we go around the dinner table and as we are eating each person in the family shares with the rest of us what they learned that day or week. We have done this since the time my children were little […]

The Rules We Learned At Recess

I loved recess as a little kid. I loved being out on the field running around with the sun shining. Now that  I am an adult I can look back and see that not only was recess a time for fun, it was also a teaching ground full of life lessons that would apply to […]

The Characteristics Of A True Leader (Forbes Article)

Every one of us is a leader in our own right. Whether we lead an entire company, or a team of people, or a group of friends, or our families, or just ourselves…we are all leaders in some form or fashion. Whatever size our circle of influence may be today, if we work to improve […]

Love Isn’t Love Til You Give It Away

Do you remember how fun Valentine’s Day was when you were a kid? You would spend hours making your cute little cardboard mailbox out of the empty Quaker Oats container or an old shoe box. You would cover it with colored construction paper and then put cute heart stickers on it, and don’t forget the […]

Love Is In The Air!

Only five more day’s until Valentine’s Day! Have you figured out what to give your significant other yet? Well today’s blog is my little reminder to all of you to figure that out now rather than becoming that sorry person at the grocery store Friday night trying to find any Hallmark Card left on the […]

“To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors.”

We grow up looking at our parents as the strongest people in our world. They handle everything, they take care of everything, and they can do everything.  Then you grow up and as you grow older, unfortunately so do they. Then one day you wake up and realize that your parents can no longer handle […]

Don’t just hit it, knock it out of the park!

Once you agree to accept any assignment you need to force yourself to be all in.  Don’t ever take something on only to do it half-way. Life will be full of people who give you assignments that you might not get very excited about.  In fact, many of them you might even dread.  But once […]

Time Management and the Parable of the Rocks

Getting back into work after being gone for the summer has made for a hectic week so far. As I started to go through all of the meeting requests and emails and calls I missed the last few months in order to prioritize them, the memory of a parable I once heard came to my mind. […]

Take the Time to Consider Every Angle

Today I heard a story about a woman who went through an experience that taught her a great life lesson about perspective.  I will try and relay the story the best I can remember it (since I wasn’t taking notes when I heard it). This woman was driving to the grocery store in her car […]

You have to start to be great

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Zig Ziglar Starting can be intimidating and scary.  Starting means that you might end up failing and people might even see you fail.  Starting means admitting something matters to you.  Starting means admitting that you care.   Yep.  That’s […]

Before You Assume…

“Before you “assume”, try this crazy method called asking.” Wow….that is a powerful quote.  When I first read it, it really hit me.  It is so true!  So often in life we just assume we know…we assume we know what someone thinks, we assume they did something just because someone else said they did, we […]

Thanks for Waiting Up

Growing up I wasn’t always the easiest teenager.  I was stubborn, fiercely independent and ridiculously tenacious.  I thought I knew everything. I thought I didn’t need anyone to watch out for me.  And even though my parents were aware I didn’t want anyone watching out for me, every night I went out I would come […]

Radio Interview Broadcast on Erin Stewart Show

I was recently interviewed for the Erin Stewart Radio Show. We did the interview over the phone so I was curious as to how it would go but she asked me some really great questions during the interview and I appreciated what a good job she did as the host of the show. The interview […]

Things Work Out

Things Work Out                                                   -By Edgar A. Guest  Because it rains when we wish it wouldn’t, Because men do what they often shouldn’t, Because crops fail, and plans go wrong Some of us grumble all day long. But somehow, in spite of the care and doubt, It seems at last that things work out.   […]

“If you find yourself racing through life, slow down long enough to take along some good friends.”

Sometimes we get so busy living our lives that we forget to slow down enough to make time for our friends. I have been guilty of that myself over the years, especially with working such crazy hours for so many years of my life.  Taking time off this summer to spend with my family has […]