Tag Archives: delegate

Celebrate the Milestones, Have Balance, and Take Care Of Yourself

Today I met with an entrepreneur who is going through the pains of growing their young business. We talked about all the pains that come with learning to communicate your vision with your team, hiring, training, delegating, prioritizing your time, and all the other struggles that are typical growing pains for entrepreneurs. As I shared […]

When Someone Believes In You

Nothing is more motivating or inspiring than knowing that someone else believes in you and is willing to put their trust in you. It is one of the greatest feelings on earth. As parents one of the best things we can do for our children is to start when they are very young letting them […]

We don’t manage time, we manage ourselves in the time we have

“We don’t really manage time but rather we manage ourselves in the amount of time we have.”  – Rex Allred My life often feels like the never ending battle with time management. “How can I get everything done?” “How can I find enough hours in the day to get everything done that I need to?” […]

They CAN DO Hard Things IF you will let them

I was watching something the other day where s a mother to a teenage boy was busy doing her son’s laundry while her son was busy playing on his Xbox. The more I observed the situation the more I wanted to scream out “If your child is capable of conquering level 15 of their video […]

The Characteristics Of A True Leader (Forbes Article)

Every one of us is a leader in our own right. Whether we lead an entire company, or a team of people, or a group of friends, or our families, or just ourselves…we are all leaders in some form or fashion. Whatever size our circle of influence may be today, if we work to improve […]

I Try To Take One Day at a Time

“I try to take one day at a time, but lately several days have attacked me at once.” How often do we feel like that lady looks!  Way too often!!! Taking one thing at a time feels impossible most days.  Life doesn’t throw things at you one at a time with a nice little time […]

My name is (fill in blank), and I am a workaholic

My name is Amy and without a doubt, I am a workaholic.  There, I said it.  I admit it fully.  I have a problem and I am taking the first step toward recovery, which they say is to admit it.  Step one down, only eleven more steps to go :)…. I finally discovered I had […]