Tag Archives: be yourself

Be Authentic And Show Some Enthusiasm!

This evening I spoke at the University of Utah for a Master’s of Business and Master’s of Finance Class. I shared some of the lessons I learned as an entrepreneur and gave the class some advice on raising venture capital. With that fresh on my mind I thought I’d share one of the points we […]

The Key To Success Is Relationships

It has been said that people do business with people they like and trust. I have found that the best way to grow a business is to be authentic with your clients. Be a real person, not a stereotype of what you think they expect from you. Be yourself. Be fun. Be happy. Make them […]

The TIGGER syndrome

People with passion are infectious! When someone is passionate and excited about something they can light up an entire room and they have the ability to suck everyone else into feeling passionate and excited with them! Yes, genuine passion and excitement are very powerful and influential tools in life…let’s face it…there is nothing more infectious […]

Be Yourself

 “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”   – Ralph Waldo Emerson  We live in a world full of peer pressure to look like this or act like that.  There is a constant bombardment of pressure to join the crowd or do what everyone […]