Tag Archives: make it happen

Begin With The End In Mind

“Begin with the end in mind.” That was the advice my father gave to my nephew and his bride when he officiated their wedding ceremony this weekend.  Their marriage sealing took place in the Draper Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints where their marriage could be sealed for time and all […]

Stop Overthinking It and Start Doing It!

We always have the ability to freak ourselves out with those thoughts of “I can’t do it” or “I’m not good enough to handle it” or “this is impossible” or “it can’t be done”….one of the easiest things in the world is to convince ourselves that we shouldn’t even try…  Heck, if I had really […]

We All Have A Talent We Bring To The Table

I can still remember walking into a Deseret Industries thrift store as a newly married girl of 20 years old and spotting an old broken down piece of furniture. As I looked at it, in my mind I could literally picture the gorgeous rocking chair that it could be if I were to put a […]

Nothing is ever 100 percent certain so of course you have doubts – that’s why it’s called taking a leap of faith!

Even a perfect plan can go awry. Take it from the girl who thought she had a perfect plan in place for her life at 18 only to find that nothing in my life those next ten years went according to my perfect plan. Years later I came to realize that rather than trying to […]

Don’t Just Talk About It – Get Out There And Actually Do It!

Over the years I have had a lot of college students and young entrepreneurs who have asked to meet with me to seek my advice about different business idea they have come up with. I couldn’t count the total number of people I have met with over the years to hear their idea and then […]

Pretend You’re In Magic Land Where Everything Is Guaranteed To Be Successful – What Would You Do?

If you could do anything you wanted and be 100% positive it wouldn’t fail, what would you do?  Have you ever asked yourself that question?  Try it…it’s an interesting exercise to do with yourself. I was talking with a friend tonight about what they want to do with their life business-wise. I asked them what […]

Everything You Can Imagine Is Real

“Everything you can imagine is real.” – Pablo Picasso Did you know that your subconscious brain can’t tell the difference between something real and something imagined? There are no filters in our subconscious to distinguish the difference between the two. That is why visualization is so powerful!  Let me share some examples: A study was […]

How To Be Awesome

For a long time I have wanted to get T-shirts printed up that say W.U.B.A. on them to remind everyone to “Wake Up, Be Awesome”.   I think W.U.B.A. is the perfect mantra to guide our days because we all want to wake up and we should all decide each morning to BE AWESOME that day! […]

Passion is Powerful!

Can we talk about passion for just a minute? I am not talking about passion in the romantic sense; I’m talking the “I am so excited to get up this morning and conquer the world today” kind of passion. There are very few things more powerful than a person who is passionate about accomplishing something. […]

Stop waiting for Someday – Just Do It!

“Conditions are never perfect. ‘Someday’ is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you. If it’s important to you and you want to do it ‘eventually’, just do it and correct the course along the way.” –Tim Ferris Everyone has dreams for their future – the wishes they want to make […]

The TIGGER syndrome

People with passion are infectious! When someone is passionate and excited about something they can light up an entire room and they have the ability to suck everyone else into feeling passionate and excited with them! Yes, genuine passion and excitement are very powerful and influential tools in life…let’s face it…there is nothing more infectious […]

So You Want To Be Happy?

“So you want to be happy? Then stop letting the smallest things ruin your entire day. If you’re feeling stressed, ask yourself: Will this matter in a year from now? If YES, then do something about it. If NO, then let it go. If you’re bored with your daily routine, do something unexpected, be spontaneous. […]

You are the architect of your life

For years and years I worked on drawing a floor plan for my dream home and then a few years ago I was able to build that house and see those drawings become a reality.  It was really exciting to see something you had worked so hard on come to fruition. We are the architects […]

You Can Choose To Be A Proactive Person Rather Than A Reactive Person

There are two types of people in this world…and it’s not those who like Neil Diamond and those who don’t (love that quote from What About Bob movie!)…it’s proactive and reactive people and which type of person you choose to be will significantly impact the life you will have. Let’s look at the difference between […]

The Best Day of Your Life Is…

“The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours – it is an amazing journey – and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the […]

December is the “Friday” of the Months

Seriously, don’t you just LOVE December! It really is like the Friday of the months…the month you look forward to all year and you relish it, wishing it wouldn’t have to end. It just seems like we spend more time with family and friends just being HAPPY during December, and it is so nice!  December […]

What Do You Want To Do Before You Die?

Life is hectic.  We go go go and we are way too busy and we can’t seem to keep up with the ever growing to do lists we have.  We spend most days just trying to make it through our day and hope to get one or two items done on our list.  And this […]

Don’t Pass Away In Silence…Share Your Story

If you haven’t heard the story of Mariane Pearl, you need to.  What an amazing woman!  I was able to meet her today when she spoke at the Women Moving Millions conference I am attending in New York.  Mariane is a French journalist and she is the widow of Daniel Pearl, the Wall Street Journal […]

Make It Happen

“Good things happen to those who wait. Greater things happen to those who get off their butt and do anything to make it happen.”   – Unknown Making it happen takes work!  And loads of it!  There is just no two ways about it.  If you truly want something in your life you can’t just sit […]

The Master of the Art of Living

“The master of the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which; he simply pursues his vision of excellence in whatever he does, leaving others […]