Tag Archives: imagine

There Are No Mistakes, Only Discoveries

Back in 2016 I took my family on a Disney Cruise to the Mediterranean. While on the cruise my son and daughter decided to go to a workshop they were holding on how to draw different Disney characters. At the start of the class the crew passed out pencils. These particular pencils had no erasers […]

Sometimes People No One Imagines Anything Of Do The Things That No One Can Imagine

“Sometimes it’s the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.” I love that quote from the movie The Imitation Game and I love what the meaning of the quote conveys. To me it stands as a reminder of two things: One:  We should never underestimate people. We should never pre-judge another […]

There Are No Rules Of Architecture For A Castle In The Clouds

“There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds.” – Gilbert K. Chesterton Holding back. We all do it. We have this dream in our heads that is so big and so audacious that we start to trim it back in our minds into something that seems more realistic…something we could share […]

Connecting The Dots

“One of the great innovators of our time, Steve Jobs of Apple, had this insight: “You can’t connect the dots looking forward,” he said. “You can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” What did he mean by that? Perhaps an illustration will […]

Accept things as they are, not as you wish they were, then focus on your wishes for the future

“When you struggle against this moment, you are actually struggling against the entire universe. Instead, you can make the decision that today you will not struggle against the whole universe by struggling against this moment.  This means that your acceptance of this moment is total and complete. You accept things as they are, not as […]

Pretend You’re In Magic Land Where Everything Is Guaranteed To Be Successful – What Would You Do?

If you could do anything you wanted and be 100% positive it wouldn’t fail, what would you do?  Have you ever asked yourself that question?  Try it…it’s an interesting exercise to do with yourself. I was talking with a friend tonight about what they want to do with their life business-wise. I asked them what […]

Life isn’t easy and people aren’t perfect

“Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on: you knew those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently he starts […]

It’s Called a Commencement Because It Signifies The Beginning

Thursday April 27th I will have the privilege of attending Commencement at Brigham Young University where we will begin the celebration of my son Dalton’s graduation from college. What an incredible achievement graduation is for our children! And what an incredible blessing as a parent to be able to go and watch your child fulfill […]

Convincing your mind its possible starts when you visualize it as if it has already happened

“What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are.” – Anthony Robbins Our minds are powerful things. They can convince we are strong and capable or they can convince us we are […]

We don’t know until we’ve tried

“Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Insist on yourself; never imitate. That which each can do best, none but his Maker can teach him. There is a time in every man’s education when he arrives at the conviction that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better, for worse, as […]

Anything Can Happen, Anything Can Be

Listen to the mustn’ts child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts, Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN, CHILD. ANYTHING CAN BE. -Shel Silverstein First I have to say that I LOVE Shel Silverstein’s poetry!  He teaches so many incredible lessons through his […]

Your future can be better than you’ve ever imagined. Welcome to the year of – you fill in the blank

We just turned the corner and started a New Year. 2017. This will be the year of ______________. What is the blank?  Well that’s something each of us has to fill in for ourselves. It’s a personal choice. What do we want the year of 2017 to be?  Do you want this to be the […]

A Look Back At 2016 and celebrating 9 years of bliss

2016 is almost over. As I look back at some of the milestones that have happened this past year I think about the trip my husband and I took to New Zealand and Australia, I think about my daughter Ashley coming home after completing an 18 month service mission for the LDS Church, I think […]

Find something new to get excited about!

I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas! I was able to celebrate Christmas several times last week – we celebrated mid-week with my son and his wife and my daughter in an early Christmas celebration since my son and his wife were heading to spend the actual holiday with her family this year, then my […]

My Christmas Gift To You

Given that this blog is the last one you will read before you celebrate Christmas Day I felt it only appropriate that in today’s blog I should give you your Christmas Gift from me. As I thought through what I could possibly give that would be meaningful to each of you and that could have […]

What would you do?

Here is an interesting story I came across: A letter was found in a baking powder can wired to the handle of an old pump that offered the only hope of drinking water in a very long, seldom-used trail across the Armagosa Desert. The letter read: “This pump was all right as of June 1932. […]

Be In Their Lives Today

“To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today.”   Oh, how I love that quote. And it is such a great reminder for all of us that have the blessing of being a parent. I remember throughout the growing up years of my children when they would ask me […]

Extraordinary Takes Time

“She[/he} was never meant to be a common creature – extraordinary takes time.” Can I just say how much I love that quote – do you want to know why? Because it is so easy to go through life being so hard on yourself for not being perfect right this second, when the reality is […]

Imagine Your Life Without It

“If you want to appreciate what you have, imagine your life without it.” It’s an unfortunate thing, but it is all too often the case – In life it is so easy to fall into the trap of not appreciating all that we have. Whether it’s a person, or an experience, or a material possession, […]

Most Inspiring Quote…Maybe Ever!

I came across a quote today that seriously has to be one of the most inspiring quotes I have ever read. “Believe in yourself. Believe in your capacity to do great and good things. Believe that no mountain is so high that you cannot climb it. Believe that no storm is so great that you […]

Things happen around us, but it’s what happens within us that matters most

My daughter-in-law came across a story I hadn’t heard before. When I first saw the title of the story I almost didn’t read it because I couldn’t imagine how a story with that title would be interesting, but I am really glad I decided to keep reading because the message it conveys is just plain […]

Striving for balance in your life

Balance…it’s a word that makes me crazy because I feel like it’s dang near impossible to achieve in life. Nonetheless, I find myself constantly seeking out articles with advice on how we can gain better balance in our lives. Tonight a dear friend sent me this article below. It is apparently a speech that was […]

Take the time to admire their uniqueness

“Once a wise old botany teacher was speaking to a group of young and eager students. He gave them an assignment to go out by the side of some lonely road and find a small, unnoticed flower. He asked them to study the flower for a long time. “Get a magnifying glass and study the […]

Instant Gratification Is Beginning To Feel Like Not Soon Enough

The speed at which we expect everything today is almost unbelievable. We as a society want everything RIGHT NOW! We want our food instantly, we want our internet speed to be instantaneous, we want answers to questions to be given immediately, we want the news the instant it happens…. We want everything right here, right […]

It’s the first day of Spring AND it’s International Day of Happiness…coincidence…I think not!

I love that there is an international day dedicated to being happy! And the fact it falls on the first day of Spring is perfect because Springtime makes me happy! In honor of the holiday I felt it only appropriate to talk about being happy. Did you know that research has shown that happy people: […]

Motherhood Is Not A Liability To A Woman’s Ability In Business, So Don’t Act Apologetic As If It Is (Forbes Article)

When I started my first technology company in my early 20’s it never even crossed my mind that I was a bit of an anomaly being a female CEO in a male dominated tech industry. Frankly, the first time I really even became aware of how few women executives there were in the tech industry […]

Rediscover the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in

As we age we grow wiser from life experience, which is a good thing. But sometimes as we grow older we also become a little bit jaded…almost too realistic…we often lose that sense of wonder and excitement we had as a child, and that is a not such a good thing… Now that I am […]

Don’t Look Back, You’re Not Going That Way!

We are about to begin a New Year, so as we do I suggest that we take this opportunity to let the past go! Let old hurts go, let past grudges go, let past failures go, let past disappointments go…LET IT GO! If we want our New Year to be amazing and incredible, which I […]

Life Is Better With Friends

I have learned through the years that family isn’t just made up of blood…it is made up of those people in your life who build you up while giving you input on how you can improve, those who help put a smile on your face, those who pick you up when you’re feeling down, those […]


What if we were to all wake up each morning with an: I CAN, I WILL, I DO attitude? Can you even begin to imagine the incredible things we could accomplish if we really embraced that “can, will, do” mentality going into each new day? I CAN is us keeping a positive attitude and a […]