I love that there is an international day dedicated to being happy! And the fact it falls on the first day of Spring is perfect because Springtime makes me happy! In honor of the holiday I felt it only appropriate to talk about being happy.
Did you know that research has shown that happy people:
* are healthier
* get sick less often
* live longer
* are more likely to get married and have fulfilling marriages
* have more friends
* make more money
* are more productive at work
Which is all awesome! And if all of those reasons don’t make us want to be happier people than I don’t know what will.
A few ways to help us be happier include:
*Acknowledge the good. Find the good around you every single day. The more you can find to be grateful for the happier you are going to feel.
*Imagine your life so much worse than it is now. If you really stop and think about your life today and consider how bad it actually could have been if different things hadn’t happened, such as if you didn’t have your health or if you didn’t have your family or your children etc. By considering how bad your life could have been it can help you feel more grateful for what you actually have today and less likely to take it for granted.
*Picture you as your best possible self. Then set goals to help you get there. When we are working toward becoming better we naturally feel happier.
*Do something for someone else. One of the fastest ways to feel happy is to do something kind for someone else. It is a great way to get an instant boost of happiness.
I think today is the perfect day for all of us to commit to being happier and to creating more happiness in the world around us.