Tag Archives: dark

Only love drives out hate

This coming Monday we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. day. What an amazing man he was and what strength of character he had. I love that he didn’t let others dictate his own behavior. He decided what his values were and he decided the kind of man he wanted to be and then he lived […]

The Kindness of Strangers

Late Friday night my husband and I began our drive home from Idaho where we had attended our Aunt’s funeral, back home in Utah. We had intended to get an earlier start home but we had spent the day scanning in all of our Aunt’s photos and papers so the family members could have digital […]

The only way to chase out darkness

The only way to chase out the darkness is to turn on the light. I am not a fan of evil or trashy books or shows. The reason for that is that they always seem to create a feeling of darkness that lingers in the house and I cannot stand that feeling. It leaves you […]

A Harrowing Experience and My Gratitude For Those Who Got Me Through It

Last week my family and I went down to Lake Powell for the week to host our kids and their college friends for a welcome home celebration trip for our daughter Ashley. We knew she had missed Lake Powell vacations tremendously while she had been serving her mission for 18 months so we made it […]

Most Inspiring Quote…Maybe Ever!

I came across a quote today that seriously has to be one of the most inspiring quotes I have ever read. “Believe in yourself. Believe in your capacity to do great and good things. Believe that no mountain is so high that you cannot climb it. Believe that no storm is so great that you […]